Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling
Welcome to the Innovyze Stormwater, Sewer, and Flood modeling feedback page.
42 results found
Ability to use variables in range RTC rules
For RTC range rules, we want to be able to use variables instead of constant values for the minimum and maximum values.
17 votes -
Bank line ground model update from within properties view
Make update from ground model possible from within properties view (as is already possible for cross sections)
13 votes -
Add US and DS HGLs for links
Currently ICM link results report the US and DS total head values. As a user, I'd like to see the HGL at the US and DS locations consistent with the node results. This would be useful on graphs and long sections.
11 votes -
Include a new conduit type for tile drains
Add a new conduit type to model tile drains or underdrains. These are common in agricultural fields and certain stormwater control structures. Currently, its difficult to model these since you can't account for the time it takes to infiltrate from the surface to the drain based on its depth.
2 votes -
Graph sum of multiple objects instead of each selected object
While looking at multiple drainage areas in a basin (in my example), results can become hard to read; it would be nice if you could graph multiple objects and have the option to see the summation of the selection instead of each individual item.
2 votes -
Different shape sluice or pipe/orifice closure option
We usually model closed gates as sluices, as they are the ones that can easily be closed (by setting the height to zero). The downside of this is that it can only be a rectangle (and it usually closes off a round pipe). An orifice now has the nice option to set it at either circular or rectangular, but closing it is not possible (setting the flow limit to zero would make sense here, but doesn’t work). Is it possible to do something about that? In WSPro you have the nice checkbox Close Pipe for all objects, that would come…
1 vote -
RTC - Allow data to be pasted into tables and it automatically generate the rows
The only way to add new rows to an RTC Table is to manual click on them - if would be better if you could paste a large number of rows from Excel and it auto-generates the rows in the same way as when pasting data into the Inflow table.
1 vote -
As a user i want to see 'failed' simulations within the Results Management Window rather than 'completed' status
When a sim completes as status Incomplete the sim icon changes to red and the Job control window states sim status Incomplete. However, in the Results Management window the sim status is ‘Complete’!
For consistency and user friendliness; Please can you fix to reflect the status Incomplete? This change will make re-running sims so much easier and save end users not having to delve into IDs to work out which sim need investigation.
3 votes -
ICM - HEC-22 Combination Inlet for continuous grade inlets
Currently ICM has 6 FWHA Gully Inlet types:
ContCo Continuous Curb Opening
ContG Continuous Grate
SagC Sag Combination
SagCO Sag Curb Opening
SagG Sag Grate and
UPC GrateA commonly used Inlet type (particularly in QLD Australia) that is missing from this list is the combination (curb opening + grate) on a continuous grade.
Section in the HEC-22 manual discuss the capacity of these inlets where the curb opening precedes the grate in the direction of flow. It would be particularly useful to include this option in ICM rather than assuming a grate only inlet type or having to…
3 votes -
Pump Station Modelling
Infoworks ICM pump station modelling principle is very basic, adding a pump between two nodes is highly hypothetical. There is no way to add pump station head losses.
I would like to suggest incorporating pump station modelling (for Rotodynamic pumps) with pump curve and system curve theory. Then the model results would be much more realistic.
There must be a tool to incorporate all the accessories in pump stations, between two nodes. Like pump station type, drywall wet well. And Parameters to calculate Pump suction and discharge losses, like all fittings, non-return valves, discharge valves, flow meters etc. This would…7 votes -
Air Phase Model Function - Can Innovyze consider to include air phase modelling function in InfoWorks? At moment, the odour modelling is done separately by various methods using the sewer hydraulic data as the input. As a result, the odour modelling has to be done by different teams and often costing. There is a strong market demand to integrate the liquid and air phase modelling, for example DHI already has a function. It is technically challenging to have a full integration, however there are well developed simplified ways to achieve that.
4 votes -
Add bottom orifice in ancillaries
You will find in the attached document a frequent encountered example of a bottom orifices.
6 votes -
Improve ground infiltration simulation parameters.
Could we have a 'Node level affects groundwater infiltration' for the soil store please?
This simulation parameter was introduced to InfoWorks ICM recently to limit infiltration from the ground store to the model. Could this be extended to limit flows from the soil store as well?
As often when are using models for design purposes, infiltration can become excessive in design events compared to verification. Therefore we have to manually reduce soil store inflow, often requiring new limiting discharge orifices and nodes at each subcatchment with GI applied. Thanks19 votes -
Merge pond and storage nodes and increase their functionality
Pond nodes:
- allow variable infiltration at different levels (up to 3 different rates)
- allow variable perimeter with level i.e. plan area through which side infiltration can occurs can vary
- no porosity functionStorage nodes:
- 1 porosity value (which only works below ground, above ground it is assumed to be 100%)
- fixed perimeter for infiltration i.e. assumes cylindrical shape for infiltration (despite the plan area changing with level)
- fixed infiltration rate (no change with height)It is not possible to model both porosity and a change in infiltration with height.
I propose that pond and…
9 votes -
Applying pipe blockage is a standard required in Australia and the functionality in ICM to do this is not user friendly (using blockage links). A simple % pipe blockage in the conduit properties should really be an option. This is particular the case for cross drainage and also orifice and pipes leaving detention basins (where a pit isnt used)
12 votes -
Allow the user to choose the flood type of pond or storage nodes
Allow the user to choose the flood type of pond or storage nodes from a drop down as is the case for manholes. As opposed to the current state where the flood type depends on the relationship between the highest level entry in the storage array and the ground level of the node.
From help file: "Storage nodes or ponds can flood. If the highest level entry is below ground level, the pond is considered to have a roof at that level and is therefore sealed. If the highest level entry is equal to the ground level then any water…
7 votes -
Revision to manhole representation
ICM's default representation of manholes could be more accurate. The limitations of current setup allows accurate representation of either the shaft or the benching but not both. Thus most people tend to apply chamber areas to invert which overestimates the volume prior to surcharge or the shaft to top of benching which overestimates the volume at the surface.
Because we can now define the benching in the database, it would be better if the default dimensions for manholes were altered to represent 4 critical levels, invert, top of benching, roof, and cover. With associated areas as channel, chamber and shaft.
3 votes -
Multiple Conduit Selection
The Select downstream (or upstream) links button is of limited use. Typically, I would like to select all downstream CONDUITS, in order to create a long section, but I find ICM arbitrarily include overland links (curb & gutter) between nodes and not show the conduit. I guess an SQL could be written, but a simple select conduits only button would be better.
2 votes -
Additional storage calculations
Can we please revisit the assumptions in the additional storage routines.
In a world where everyone has access to accurate property location data, via customer seed points and subcatchments can be any shape or size. The distances between properties and sewers can be much more accurately determined in the calculation than is currently the case, based on the existing A/4L.
The calculation also makes no allowance for private inspection chambers, which in many instances would provide more volume than the pipe.
Two versions of the equation driven by a new field in the subcatchment would also be better allowing lateral…
1 vote -
Selection List Subtraction
I was looking for a way to subtract one selection list from another. In other words, we would like to remove overlaps between selection sets but it seems there is no way to do that easily in ICM.
It is highly recommended to include this feature for future versions as competitors such as Bentley SewerGEMS have already had this for years now.
2 votes