Drainage Design
66 results found
Need Papadaskis-Kazen Time of Concentration for Preliminary Sizing
The local requirement for Arizona require the use of Papdaskis-Kazen as the time of concentration method. Please add.
3 votesThank you for submitting and voting for this idea. We've received it and it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Printing Critical Storm pipes Results in ascending order.
When presenting Critical Storm simulation calculations to the LLFA/Sewage undertaker, they must be in pipe code order, for example, 1-1.000-1-1.012. So from the top to the bottom of the network. One of your support staff informed me that when printing reports, the simulation results are printed in pipe creation order rather than ascending order. I need to be able to print in ascending order.
2 votes -
HGL values in Profile - show in Elevation and uniformly across the profile - not just on structure
We need full HGL profile, using Elevation as a label in profile and consistently across the Flow Path.
5 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who voted and commented. This is to confirm that we have received this suggestion and that this is now on our road map development in future releases of InfoDrainage.
Output flow controls details
When presenting results to be checked/reviewed either internally or by client or LPA/LLFA, you have to present details of orifices, hydrobrakes, etc so that they can understand what items are in there. In InfoDrainage because flow controls are not a seperate item type, the only way to present that information is to output every single "outlet" on the scheme.
On a large scheme, that means that my results file can be three or four pages of dozens of lines of "outlet = pipe", and about two or three actually relevant items hidden somewhere in the middle.
It would be great…
5 votes -
Sewer Design - Depth to soffit
InfoDrainage currently has the depths shown as depth to invert when depth to soffit is more useful to ensure the sewer has sufficient cover
8 votesThank you for submitting, commenting and voting on this User-Voice idea. We have reviewed the requirements, and this is now on our roadmap for development for future releases of InfoDrainage.
Have an option for pipes to automatically connect soffit to soffit at MH's
Where you have different pipe sizes connecting at a MH good practice is for the connections to be made "Soffit to Soffit", it would be usefull if this could be done automatically and would remove the need to manually change each connection to take this into account.
1 vote -
Unable to Populate the Manhole & Cover Type In Infodrainage MH Scheudles
A fundemental part of producing MH Schedules is to include the MH type & Cover Grade, these boxes are shown within info-drainage MH schedule report but are unable to be populated. Please include
1 vote -
Identify foul and surface water with different colours
There should be an option in the display settings to change the colour of foul and surface water networks.
1 vote -
Provide Inlet spread in FDOT Spreadsheet Reports
Please provide a inlet spread reports as specified in the FDOT Drainage Handbook.
2 votes -
PDF output Data sheets - Same as MicroDrainage
Have a setting when printing results to output in the same or similar style as MicroDrainage. Options to display certain storms, critical storm by differing criteria, and summaries of pipelines, manholes and other data
6 votesThank you for the suggestion. This is to confirm that we've received your idea and it will be reviewed by the product management and development team for future consideration.
Updating an Existing C3D Drainage Network When Importing Back
As a workflow we start our design in C3D then export for analysis in Infodrainage, We then bring back to C3D the amended network, but it is a new network, and so all the formatting that was initially done on it is lost.
C3D should update the network with the amended information from Infodrainage, including HGL, pit rotation etc.3 votesThank you for submitting and voting for this idea. This is to confirm that we've received the idea and it will be reviewed by the Product Management and development team for future consideration.
MADD factor
MADD factor.
InfoDrainage does not include this feature that exists in Microdrainage, that allows for storage not explicit in the hydraulic model.
As the successor product, ID should, as a minimum, include features and functionality that exists in the predecessor product, MD.1 vote -
Provide Hydraulic Results in Civil 3D
As a Drainage Design user, I want to annotate the various Hydraulic results in plan and in profile within Civil 3D. I would like these results to automatically appear from my InfoDrainage design results.
6 votesThanks to those who submitted, voted and commented on this idea. This is to confirm that we've received and reviewed the requirements to implement results migration from InfoDrainage to Civil 3D and this is currently in our road map for development in future releases of InfoDrainage.
Improve Snap Marker visibility
Improve the Snap marker visibility as they blend into the object making the snap markers nearly invisible
5 votes -
Perforated pipes
This will be hard to implement so it's kind of a longer term ambition, but it would be really helpful if InfoDrainage could properly model a perforated pipe.
Pretty often we have a perforated pipe below a structure - what would now be called a stormwater control - like a permeable car park or a swale. The "main" flow is running through the pipe, usually because depth won't permit it to be sent directly into a shallow feature, but as the hydraulic head rises water infiltrates out of the pipe in a gravel trench and builds up until it fills…
3 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted.
Within SWCs, we have added an option called Under Drain, with this option, you can model a perforated pipe, and once the pipe is out of the system into the flow control chamber, it won't be perforated anymore so you can use a conventional pipe to model it.
Please feel free to touch base with our support team if you have any questions on the above.
Does the above address your suggestion?
Output Cv values
Cv values used to be set globally and would be output as part of the simulation criteria, so the values that were used were always visible in results files for LPA/LLFA officers to check that the model complied if a 0.9 or 0.95 Cv was requested as many authorities now do.
Now the Cv values are per catchment, so if I need to change them to suit an authority's requirements I have to do it manually on many items, and it's hard to output them to prove to the authority that I have followed their requirements.
It would be great…
2 votesThe report that is automatically generated by InfoDrainage has this detail when you tick Inflows (see screenshot attached). InfoDrainage will report on every subcatchment and detail what CV values have been used for summer and winter.
Does the above address your suggestion?
Backwards Compatibility
Options to save-back to earlier versions of the InfoDrainage software. I am currently trialling 2023.3 for my company, and users with 2023.2 are unable to open any models that I save.
1 vote -
Fall column
Include a column in the connection design table that displays an editable 'fall' value, i.e. calculated value of US/IL - DS/IL, used to be a handy feature in MicroDrainage Network
3 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
SuDS and Inlet Level sync stepdowns
Infodrainage 2023.2
Inlets into SuDS features need to be able to be different from the SuDS features bed level.
It is almost always necessary to have a step down between inlets and outlets on Ponds and Swales etc.2 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted.
The inlet pipe will always try to sync to the bed level of your Storm Water Control (SWC), however, you can easily lock the pipe and manipulate the level so your inlet pipe can be higher and your outlet pipe can be lower. You can introduce inlet and outlet chambers and you will have full flexibility in dropping the levels as required.
Does the above address the issue?
Better Level Coordination of Swales
InfoDrainage 2023.2
If you have a swale with several branches discharging into it the invert level of those branches is fixed at the swales outlet invert level and not at the bed level corresponding to its position along the swale.2 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted.
We agree that in scenarios where multiple pipes are discharging into a steep swale at various points, the bed level might not be the best level to sync to. This has been discussed and it's been agreed that we will interpolate the right level using the centre line and sync the connection to it. This is now in the road map for future implementation.