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Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling

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42 results found

  1. Enable alternate versions of the SWMM engine within ICM

    I would like to have the option to use a different version of the SWMM engine to be run instead of the latest Innovyze version. In some cases this is required, but it is often very helpful to confirm the results from previous versions.

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  2. Change Variable Speed Pumps Image

    The image for Variable Speed Pumps under the "Other Special Diversion Examples" section is likely wrong. Looks like it is a copy of the image for Pump discharge pipes. Would be great if you could update with the right image! Thanks

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  3. XPSWMM Inlet capacity - head difference rating or geometry-based inlets

    Inlet capacity creates a second node internally to XPSWMM. Currently, the rating curve methods for it are calculated based on node depth, rather than head differential, which doesn’t work right with 2D if the storm sewer HGL is above the gutter.

    I really like how inlet capacity doesn’t require adding an extra node. I would like to suggest it be expanded as follows:

    1) Simply add a head differential rating curve.

    2) Add a structure-based option for inlets,

    For a structure-based inlet, it could essentially be a multi-link. I would like to have a global database of standard inlet types…

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  4. Structure flow mode reported in the results

    Sometimes when evaluating results at structures we see strange results that require investigation; invariably we find out that this is because the flow mode has changed. (e.g. from free to drowned). It would be very helpful if the ICM results were able to report the flow mode as a time-varying output. This would result in a lot of time saving when investigating models. For reference I am referring to the Flow Mode functionality that is available in InfoWorks RS and Flood Modeller Pro.

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  5. Infoworks - Pipe grade calculator

    Pipe grade calculator between US and DS inverts, Ultimately having the ability to calculate downstream or upstream inverts over a long network based on a specified grade from either a DS or US invert level as a starting point.

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  6. Circular sluices/penstocks would also be useful

    Similar to the rectangular flap valve request, circular sluices would avoid workarounds trying to estimate the rectangular equivalent to a half closed circular penstock (or worse still a half closed egg shaped penstock)

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  7. Pipe collision check

    Client feedback: an automatic check for colliding pipes would be highly appreciated to avoid nightmares in the construction.

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  8. Update user defined vortex controls in ICM so hydrobrake head discharge curves can be modelled

    Current user defined vortex controls don't accept head discharge curves where the discharge reduces for increasing head i.e. what happens in a hydrobrake. It would be useful to get this updated to ensure consistency between ICM and drainage design.

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  9. Wide "Oval" shape ID

    conduit shape ID "Oval" only allows Height > With. So for "horizontally" wide oval conduits a new conduit shape has te be defined. It would be practical if the standard "Oval" also allows a with greater than the hight.

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  10. Auto populate an incremental ID for objects such as lines/polygons/subcatchments etc.

    Often source data is provided with a non unique ID.

    Nodes auto generate an ID, and conduits will create a node, but the remaining asset classes struggle somewhat and often you need to manipulate the GIS data.

    I would like to be able to have ICM (and WS Pro for that matter) auto populate a unique ID (such as row ID).

    There used to be a blog post written with a Ruby script to do this, but it appears to have been removed from the website. Alternately post the Ruby scripts again somewhere.

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  11. RDII Analyst (in ICM)

    Provide RDII Analyst without needing to purchase InfoSWMM

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  12. I would like the option to model pump station that operate using VFDs.

    I would like to be able to enter the full and reduced speed pump curves for each pump station that is controlled by variable frequency drives. In addition, I would need the set point or control that causes the pumps to ramp up to full speed.

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  13. Orifice to limit flow in both directions

    A limiting discharge set on an orifice should limit flow in both directions. Currently, the orifice limits flow in the forward direction; however, flow can go in the reverse direction at an unlimited rate. Hydraulically, if there is a physical feature that limits flow, it seems that it would limit to (for example) <10 l/s and > - 10 l/s.

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  14. Conveyance on cross section lines

    Provide cross section conveyance for each cross section

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  15. Can ICM add particle tracking module?

    When there are pollutants that enter a system from various sources then it would be good to have pollutant tracing functionality which shows the source and the pollutant moving through the system, giving an idea of the rate at which it travels and impacts areas downstream.

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  16. Modelling of mud and other non-Newtonian flows

    We've a lot of work at the moment modelling the failure of tailings dams. Tailings dams typically have material that acts in a non-Newtonian manner. To effectively model these sorts of fluids would require the inclusion of additional fluid properties. The Bingham method ( has been successfully applied in other applications.

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  17. Infoworks ICM - XPSWMM

    Provide a easy model/network transport option from one program to the other. Many municipalities within WA utilise XPSWMM and therefore are note able to read an ICM model.

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  18. Simple means to set initial storage area water surface elevations

    Please incorporate a system for setting initial water surface elevations in storage nodes that works as easily as the process is in XPSWMM or HEC-RAS. The program should hold this water level during warm-up stabilization.

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  19. Add SWMM5 Ideal Pump to InfoWorks ICM

    Does InfoWorks ICM have an equivalent to an ideal pump in SWMM which pumps whatever is entering the SPS out of the SPS?

    It would be a good feature to include into infoworks as I needed to play around a bit to get it. I found I had to add line 2 or the pump kept on turning off rather than flow pacing.

    I have seen a screw pump used previously to pump out what comes into the SPS but dependent upon the head discharge parameters this can back up the incoming sewer. If I set a curve similar to…

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  20. Update Storage array from ground model

    Provide the ability to update a storage array (curve) from ground model without destroying manually entered data

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