Triangles browser
Small triangles can slow down 2D simulations significantly. Currently, after creating a 2D mesh, I export the 2D mesh to a GIS software to check how many triangles I have below certain size and where they are. This helps me address the problem of small triangles efficiently. it would be helpful to have a similar functionality in ICM (i.e. triangles browser).
Matthew commented
There is an article in the Knowledgebase (Support Portal) which details steps on how to find small elements with theming. See "Tips for a Good Meshing Experience".
Richard Body commented
I agree this would be helpful, but one effective solution is to create a theme on element area where you colour the cells below the required; above the threshold the cells are transparent. To highlight the really small cells I also turn on the arrows option. This is one of my default themes that I use whenever I am doing a lot of meshing.