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  1. Access to UDF Data through DB Editor

    In InfoWater Pro, the model data can be accessed through the DB Editor. The UDF tool does not have any access to the database tables through the DB Editor. It would be very helpful if I could gain access to the UDF tables through the DB Editor, even if it were just under the Advanced Application Data (for Advanced Users), which most users should not use. I ended up having to use a different application to gain access to the DB tables.

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  2. Customize ArcGIS Pro ribbon with command center modeling tools

    While building and editing models, I want to customize easy access to tools currently burried in the Command Center (e.g. Trace Network, Join/Remove Layer tables, Clear message board, etc.).
    ArcGIS Pro lets you customize toolbars, but these commands aren't yet available.

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  3. Contours and Spot Elevation data for Elevation Extractor in InfoWater Pro

    While rasters remain the best way to assign elevations throughout the model, InfoWater also supported other formats using interpolation such as contours and point elevation.
    Please add these file types in InfoWater Pro.

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  4. Further "Set Area Codes" functionality - InfoWorks WS Pro

    2 feature requests for consideration, both relating to the “set area codes” functionality in InfoWorks WS Pro:
    1. The ability to save the “set area code” configuration, whether that be in a model tree group or as a cfg file, so that you don’t have to reset all preferences every time you open the tool
    2. A “pause area code identification” button so that you can make multiple changes to assets without having to wait for the area codes to recalculate after every minor change (and without having to close the set area code window to prevent the recalculation, which…

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  5. Allow InfoWater to export simulation results in CSV format instead of DBF

    The option to "Export simulation results for external application" in InfoWater would be more useful if the results were exported as CSV files instead of DBF files. We regularly need to compare the results from multiple model scenarios. Microsoft PowerBI or Excel PowerQuery are great tools for importing and comparing large amounts of data and could streamline this process significantly. However, neither support importing directly from DBF files.

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  6. New Feature is Active in All Scenarios Option (InfoWater/Pro)

    Add a tools/options option so when you add new features they will be active in all scenarios, instead of getting errors 100 times for every scenario you try to run where the features were not included originally. This would be especially useful when using Intelliselection.

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  7. Sort selection sets/ re-order them

    Would be very useful if you could either sort selection set orders or move selections up or down the list. This would make it much faster to find the selection set you want in a large list (e.g. DMA selection sets in alphabetical order)

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  8. InfoWater: Report volume stored in tanks

    I can calculate volume from level, but it's an extra step and requires that I copy the run results out to Excel. It's even more difficult if I have a non-circular tank. Please include tank volume in the tank results and in the "System Demand" report.

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  9. Add ability to rename datasets, patterns, queries, etc

    1. Allow the "Change ID" tool to rename datasets, patterns, queries, etc.
    2. Make the "Change ID" window wider or resizeable to fit longer IDs.
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    RECEIVED  ·  Luca Serena responded

    Partially completed: “Change ID” window is now resizable. Functionality available from InfoWater Pro 3.5 Update 2. Target release data April 2021

  10. Be able to change the background colour

    In InfoWorks the background colour for the GeoPlan is white - it would be beneficial to change this colour to the users choice to make particular features stand-out more clearly in the GeoPlan view

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  11. I would like more informative error messages when trying to Change an ID

    I tried to change the ID for a pump, but I overlooked the “Target Element Type” dropdown, which was automatically set to junction.

    It took me a while to realize my mistake. It might be helpful to other users if the error messages/warnings (see below) were a bit more informative… I’d suggest something like “WARNING: Junction ID ‘P1240’ does not exist.” I think this would have helped me realize my error much sooner.

    WARNING: unable to change Junction ID from 'P1240' to 'P1241'.
    MESSAGE: no Junction ID was changed.

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  12. Add new run groups and move existing runs to these

    I’ve currently got one very big run group which should’ve really been split into several different ones.
    Is there a way to move around runs? In the explorer there’s only really the option to duplicate.

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  13. Improvements to custom DB table fields

    1. Ability to modify the length of custom fields in the DB tables after they have been created. This is particularly a problem when you create a text field, but realize later it is too short. Another option would be to make the default text length 250 characters rather than 20.
    2. Better manager for custom fields. The user should be able to create a field once and choose which information DB tables to add it to. See example at link.
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  14. Edit Pump and Valve Curves in IWLive

    IWLive is the perfect platform to examine how well valve and pump curves are simulating the actual behavior under a wide range of system conditions. If these could be modified in an incident run, it would save lots of time going back to WS to modify them.

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  15. Boundary trace toolbar shortcut

    I often use the boundary trace tool to understand the extent of a DMA/PMA. Currently, we have to go to Geoplan -> Tracing Tools -> Boundary Trace, and it would be a lot easier if it was available as a toolbar shortcut.

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  16. As a planner, I want a single, integrated modelling platform to represent the water supply, sewerage and drainage (1D/2D) system.

    Melbourne Water has successfully completed a pilot modelling study using InfoWorks ICM to build a single integrated model to represent the water supply, sewerage and drainage system (including overland flooding) for a proposed redevelopment area (27,000 lots) in Melbourne.

    The study explored the capabilities of the software to model the urban water cycle. It has identified some significant advantages to an integrated modelling approach, however there are some key limitations of the software and hardware which limit its future use.

    We have published a joint paper that discussed the need and the concept and that can be make available upon…

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  17. Smarter UDF Flush Sequence Manager Operations tab selection tools

    When using the UDF Flush Sequence Manager Operations tab [Close >], [Open >], or [Remove >] selection tools, I would like to receive the error "WARNING: Node ### is not in the Selection Set 'VALVES'" less often.

    Currently you must zoom in and only select the node you wish to change the state of; any other nodes included in the selection that are not in the relevant selection set will cause this error to pop up.

    When using [Close >], the tool should only recognize valves whose current state is set to Open, and should close all selected valves, ignoring…

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  18. InfoWater SA to be capable of managing transparency in the background layers

    Not having the capability in InfoWater SA to manage background information as used to be possible with H2OMap affect directly the efficiency of the product itself.

    Clarence Valley Council

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  19. Option of splitting pipes/Polygons in InfoWorks WS Pro

    Like the option available to split the polygons, if there is an option available that would be good.

    If we are able to automatically split the pipe into many segments automatically using an automated option like the feature available in ICM to generate river cross sections, that would be helpful especially where we have long sections of pipes where it would be difficult to replicate ground level variations.

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  20. Specify number of demands

    I almost never need to use all 10 demand fields in InfoWater. The ability to specify the number of demand fields needed would save space in the demand DB table and in the Model Explorer window and make viewing these windows easier.

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