Automatic M5-60 and R values based on Location
Most models are built on surveys that are on National Grid Coordinates. It would therefore be good for the rainfall data to automatically generate M5-60 and R values based on NGC for the site with the option to click Map and reposition if necessary.

Thank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted.
FSR is an outdated rainfall method which was developed in the 1970s, this is why various LLFAs around the UK are now rejecting drainage statements submissions when FSR was used as a rainfall. This is one of the reasons why we would be hesitant to invest into investing more time into this. We are currently working on FEH22 implementation which will be made available to UK customers in future releases of the software.
However, FSR has a 1km2 resolution, therefore, you can still get the exact site accuratley by hoovering over the map and keeping an eye on the coordinates on the top-left corner (see screenshot). Take one coordinate from your site and use the first three digits from the easting and the first three digits from the northing to establish the exact location on the FSR map within InfoDrainage.
Does the above address your suggestion?