Drainage Design
16 results found
Need Papadaskis-Kazen Time of Concentration for Preliminary Sizing
The local requirement for Arizona require the use of Papdaskis-Kazen as the time of concentration method. Please add.
3 votesThank you for submitting and voting for this idea. We've received it and it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Fall column
Include a column in the connection design table that displays an editable 'fall' value, i.e. calculated value of US/IL - DS/IL, used to be a handy feature in MicroDrainage Network
3 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Model a sag inlet with an allowable depth of ponding
I need to be able to model a sag inlet accurately within InfoDrainage. I would like to design these inlets so that there is an allowable ponding depth, and then any volume that exceeds that depth is applied to the surface as a 2D overland flow.
1 voteThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Need Kirby-Kirpich Time of Concentration for Preliminary Sizing
The local requirement for Texas require the use of Kirby-Kirpich as the time of concentration method. Please add
1 voteThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Mixed decimal place
I'm using InforDrainage 2023.1 and there are mixed numbers after decimal point. In profile view, there are five digit after decimal point which is unnecessary.
2 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Infodrainage - Display Settings - Annotation Connections Slope
Infodrainage - Display Settings
Slope annotation in connections to be 1:x rather than shown as x(1:x)
4 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Improved tutorial for setting up a network
InfoDrainage - i am just trailing software and using the metric tutorial. i do not like loading in items from MicroDrainage or AutoCAD and was hoping the tutorial would show how to quickly setup a highway drainage system with pipes/manholes/gullies.
when asked "was this page helpful" i put thumbs down, hoping to get a chance to say the above but i cannot type in the feedback form. please update chapter 2 "creating the network" so that new users can setup a simple network - all ive done is click buttons to load random data and do not feel like i…5 votes -
InfoDrainage - Permeable Paving
It would be useful to have a central granular conveyance trench beneath permeable paving to avoid the need for overly deep sub base beneath the road / drive.
8 votes -
Exceedance Level in Infodrainage
It would be good to have an option in underground stormwater controls to have a separate option for exceedance level and Ground Level
By taking the exceedance level as GL, it makes the Long sections look distorted when in reality it is common for our designs to have circa. 1m+ cover from top of tanks/soakaways etc to ground level.7 votes -
InfoDrainage - level bench in basin/pond configuration
The sizing calculator in the pond build pop-up enables one side lpe only.
There are now LLFAs that require level benck of at aleast 1.5 m width after 0.6 m depth in a basin.
It is currently not possible to use your calculator to establish such basin properties.
This would be useful.5 votes -
Tree Pits
Add Tree Pits as a type of SuDS structure.
7 votes -
InfoDrainage - Time of entry to be called time of entry, not time of concentration
Te has specific meaning in the UK when using the rational method (modified).
Tc also has speific meaning (Te + sumTf).
It would be better if the software wants the user to input a Te, that it calls it Te. At the moment it calls the Te Time of concentration, which is very confusing.4 votes -
manhole and pipe size files
when I start a new network, the criteria automatically selects my default manhole and pipe size file, can you change it so when importing a file for the first time it selects my standard default files, older versions did select the default file
2 votes -
to be able to change the default button in storm duration
to be able to change the default button in storm duration so I can set up my own default settings
2 votes -
Include Linear Drainage Channels
Support a wider range of linear drainage channels.
3 votes -
2 votes