Add SWMM5 Ideal Pump to InfoWorks ICM
Does InfoWorks ICM have an equivalent to an ideal pump in SWMM which pumps whatever is entering the SPS out of the SPS?
It would be a good feature to include into infoworks as I needed to play around a bit to get it. I found I had to add line 2 or the pump kept on turning off rather than flow pacing.
I have seen a screw pump used previously to pump out what comes into the SPS but dependent upon the head discharge parameters this can back up the incoming sewer. If I set a curve similar to the following should this work if the discharge at 0.1m head is significantly in excess of the maximum flow rate or given the fact that there is such a huge variation in flow across a small head change is this likely to cause problems.
If I need to adjust the head range I suppose I could drop the pump on and off levels so that the model wont back up the incoming network.
Brad Pierce commented
For compatibility with SWMM, this is probably a good feature to add, but why not improve it, too? Implement it just like in SWMM, but allow the user the option to enter a max flow or max head. Also, add the max head option to the ICM 'Fixed' pump type.
Why? Both pump types ('Fixed' and 'Ideal') have one similar characteristic that can cause issues, Once turned on, both pumps will achieve whatever head pressure is required (even ridiculous values) in order to pump the amount they're supposed to pump. If there's a problem downstream, the pumps can achieve thousands of feet/meters of head, preventing initialization. These optional settings would allow the users to enter realistic maximums to prevent the pumps from going rogue. :-)