Drainage Design
41 results found
Model a sag inlet with an allowable depth of ponding
I need to be able to model a sag inlet accurately within InfoDrainage. I would like to design these inlets so that there is an allowable ponding depth, and then any volume that exceeds that depth is applied to the surface as a 2D overland flow.
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Need Kirby-Kirpich Time of Concentration for Preliminary Sizing
The local requirement for Texas require the use of Kirby-Kirpich as the time of concentration method. Please add
1 voteThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Clark Unit Hydrographs
Unit Hydrographs should follow HEC1 using Clark Unit Hydrograph for design
1 voteThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Need Papadaskis-Kazen Time of Concentration for Preliminary Sizing
The local requirement for Arizona require the use of Papdaskis-Kazen as the time of concentration method. Please add.
3 votesThank you for submitting and voting for this idea. We've received it and it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Updating an Existing C3D Drainage Network When Importing Back
As a workflow we start our design in C3D then export for analysis in Infodrainage, We then bring back to C3D the amended network, but it is a new network, and so all the formatting that was initially done on it is lost.
C3D should update the network with the amended information from Infodrainage, including HGL, pit rotation etc.3 votesThank you for submitting and voting for this idea. This is to confirm that we've received the idea and it will be reviewed by the Product Management and development team for future consideration.
InfoDrainage 2023.3 Quick Storage Estimate Print Outs
Please can a function to print out the quick storage estimates and results summary be made available. Whilst they should only be used for concept designs, it would be useful to have this information for record to show the design process
1 voteThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Sum of contributing areas in design tables
Add a column to the "Junctions" design table when Inflow/Catchment Areas are selected that shows a running total of contributing area to aide pipe sizing
2 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Fall column
Include a column in the connection design table that displays an editable 'fall' value, i.e. calculated value of US/IL - DS/IL, used to be a handy feature in MicroDrainage Network
3 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
PDF output Data sheets - Same as MicroDrainage
Have a setting when printing results to output in the same or similar style as MicroDrainage. Options to display certain storms, critical storm by differing criteria, and summaries of pipelines, manholes and other data
6 votesThank you for the suggestion. This is to confirm that we've received your idea and it will be reviewed by the product management and development team for future consideration.
Mixed decimal place
I'm using InforDrainage 2023.1 and there are mixed numbers after decimal point. In profile view, there are five digit after decimal point which is unnecessary.
2 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
Improve Snap Marker visibility
Improve the Snap marker visibility as they blend into the object making the snap markers nearly invisible
5 votes -
Infodrainage - Display Settings - Annotation Connections Slope
Infodrainage - Display Settings
Slope annotation in connections to be 1:x rather than shown as x(1:x)
4 votesThank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed for future consideration.
InfoDrainage - Split subcatchments option for Laurenson runoff routing method
It is industry best practice to split up the subcatchments in a model into their pervious and impervious areas when adopting the Laurenson (or RAFTS) runoff routing method ie U = 2 and U = 0. The current workflow to achieve this is to setup the model with 2 subcatchments representing the impervious and pervious surfaces within a subcatchment. Existing Innovyze software (ICM and XPSWMM/XPSTORM) provide the user the ability to split the area of a catchment up into a number of different runoff surfaces. A feature like this would be great to have for InfoDrainage.
1 vote -
I want a Gully Space calculations tool in InfoDrainage
InfoDrainage - want to do Gully space calculations or assess capacity of different gullies.
can you add the gully design tool to InfoDrainage?5 votes -
Improved tutorial for setting up a network
InfoDrainage - i am just trailing software and using the metric tutorial. i do not like loading in items from MicroDrainage or AutoCAD and was hoping the tutorial would show how to quickly setup a highway drainage system with pipes/manholes/gullies.
when asked "was this page helpful" i put thumbs down, hoping to get a chance to say the above but i cannot type in the feedback form. please update chapter 2 "creating the network" so that new users can setup a simple network - all ive done is click buttons to load random data and do not feel like i…5 votes -
Include the San Diego Modified Rational Method
Include the San Diego Modified Rational Method as a routing option in the simulation parameters, similar to how its been incorporated to InfoSewer and InfoSWMM
1 voteThank you for the suggestion, and thanks to those who commented and voted. This is to confirm that we've received your suggestion and that it will be reviewed and discussed for future consideration.
Import EPASWMM5 Files
Importing EPASWMM5 files for US users would help to streamline the transition from SSA (you can export to SWMM5 from SSA)
4 votes -
InfoDrainage - Re-Ordering Tables
Please can you add an ability to manually adjust the order of Junctions and Connections as the tables quickly become difficult to follow. The automatic re-ordering seems to reset as soon as you make any changes!
8 votes -
InfoDrainage - Permeable Paving
It would be useful to have a central granular conveyance trench beneath permeable paving to avoid the need for overly deep sub base beneath the road / drive.
8 votes -
Formatting of Reports
The output reports from Infordrainage, are not set to fit the page and as such, there is a lot of "white space" left on the outputs. At present, there are no formatting options to change this. It makes the drainage report look a bit untidy.
5 votes