Output flow controls details
When presenting results to be checked/reviewed either internally or by client or LPA/LLFA, you have to present details of orifices, hydrobrakes, etc so that they can understand what items are in there. In InfoDrainage because flow controls are not a seperate item type, the only way to present that information is to output every single "outlet" on the scheme.
On a large scheme, that means that my results file can be three or four pages of dozens of lines of "outlet = pipe", and about two or three actually relevant items hidden somewhere in the middle.
It would be great if there could be a way to filter the outputs so that only the relevant items - the things that would previously have been "online controls" and "offline controls" - can be presented without having to present a lot of other data that a reviewer doesn't want to be trying to manually sort through.

Thank you Lucy for the valuable input.
I think that this is a great idea - to confirm, when you say "only relevant items", what defines the relevant items? are you referring to a selection list created by the user - so this selection list will act as a filter to the results?