I want to be able to see what connected Agents are doing and trouble shoot connections from within WS Pro
A command centre program for WS Pro/IWLive runs which shows connected agents and marshallers and all the runs in a simulation workgroup in one place.
Better simulation workgroup diagnostics.
I am trying to trouble shoot remote VPN issues and the IT guys don't understand what WS Pro is doing and Innovyze think it is VPN/firewall issues. Very hard to resolve as the issue is hard (impossible) to diagnose from within the software. The Marshaller can see all the remote agents, but is unable to send a sim to them over VPN. This worked fine when we were all onsite but doesn't work when we are remote from one another.
I know there was a bug in V4 and earlier regarding large result files being unable to be transferred. I have no idea if my current issue is a different manifestation of this or something else. Suggest a "ping" type command - small data packet to and from the engine to determine whether all ports are working as expected.