Output Cv values
Cv values used to be set globally and would be output as part of the simulation criteria, so the values that were used were always visible in results files for LPA/LLFA officers to check that the model complied if a 0.9 or 0.95 Cv was requested as many authorities now do.
Now the Cv values are per catchment, so if I need to change them to suit an authority's requirements I have to do it manually on many items, and it's hard to output them to prove to the authority that I have followed their requirements.
It would be great if it was more like the urban creep value, with the default option being to set Cv globally in the main settings, and you could toggle it to be "per catchment" if you wanted.
It also needs a clear way to include it in the results. Maybe it could optionally be in the catchment area summary, so that table would show the area, the area allowed including urban creep, and the Cv value for the catchment?

The report that is automatically generated by InfoDrainage has this detail when you tick Inflows (see screenshot attached). InfoDrainage will report on every subcatchment and detail what CV values have been used for summer and winter.
Does the above address your suggestion?
Matthew Fenton commented
I think it's a great idea which hasn't been understood by Samer.
You can report on every sub catchment but this is pages and pages of catchment outputs, just to display a CV value. It would be better if the catchment summary had a CV column to display this information.
I usually add a note on manually.