Perforated pipes
This will be hard to implement so it's kind of a longer term ambition, but it would be really helpful if InfoDrainage could properly model a perforated pipe.
Pretty often we have a perforated pipe below a structure - what would now be called a stormwater control - like a permeable car park or a swale. The "main" flow is running through the pipe, usually because depth won't permit it to be sent directly into a shallow feature, but as the hydraulic head rises water infiltrates out of the pipe in a gravel trench and builds up until it fills the structure above.
I'm modelling it as it stands using a "no delay" connection with a weir outlet in the manhole, so that once the water level in the manhole has built up to the level of the feature it spills out into the structure, and that kind of works, but one day it would be amazing if the software could actually understand that the water is rising up through the ground along the whole length of the pipe, not from a little point outflow at the manhole, and model that more realistically.
Thank you for the suggestion and thanks to those who commented and voted.
Within SWCs, we have added an option called Under Drain, with this option, you can model a perforated pipe, and once the pipe is out of the system into the flow control chamber, it won't be perforated anymore so you can use a conventional pipe to model it.
Please feel free to touch base with our support team if you have any questions on the above.
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