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66 results found

  1. InfoDrainage - Permeable Paving

    It would be useful to have a central granular conveyance trench beneath permeable paving to avoid the need for overly deep sub base beneath the road / drive.

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  2. Include the San Diego Modified Rational Method

    Include the San Diego Modified Rational Method as a routing option in the simulation parameters, similar to how its been incorporated to InfoSewer and InfoSWMM

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    1 comment  ·  Hydraulics  ·  Admin →
  3. Formatting of Reports

    The output reports from Infordrainage, are not set to fit the page and as such, there is a lot of "white space" left on the outputs. At present, there are no formatting options to change this. It makes the drainage report look a bit untidy.

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  4. Manhole Schedule Numbering

    For MH tables and report outputs, it would be good to have an option to report chronologically, e.g. 1-30.
    I understand it numbers them on the first Manhole built in the model however I think it would make more sense to go from shallowest to deepest, e.g. U/S to D/S. As is quite common in design additional MHs need to be incorporated further into the model due to clashes or change in direction etc, so it would be best if all outputs and MH tables followed the numerical order.

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  5. Exceedance Level in Infodrainage

    It would be good to have an option in underground stormwater controls to have a separate option for exceedance level and Ground Level
    By taking the exceedance level as GL, it makes the Long sections look distorted when in reality it is common for our designs to have circa. 1m+ cover from top of tanks/soakaways etc to ground level.

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  6. InfoDrainage - level bench in basin/pond configuration

    The sizing calculator in the pond build pop-up enables one side lpe only.
    There are now LLFAs that require level benck of at aleast 1.5 m width after 0.6 m depth in a basin.
    It is currently not possible to use your calculator to establish such basin properties.
    This would be useful.

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  7. Provide Enhanced Manhole Schedule Details

    It would be great to have the option of providing an additional level of customisable detail which could be configured on MH Schedules.

    As an example including practical details around the cover – contractors want to know and see more from a MH schedule when out on site.

    Examples of details around the type of cover:
    Cover Size
    Opening Size
    Solid Top
    Loading Class

    Currently this level of additional detail is often added manually to MH schedules exported from software.

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  8. Clash detection between pipe networks

    Can wall thicknesses be added to pipes and manholes to check clash detections

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    Dear User, 

    Thanks for posting, commenting and voting for this idea. We have reviewed the requirements for implementing a clash detection tool in InfoDrainage, and this is currently in Development for future releases of the software.

    As for the comments regarding the pipe thickness, we will enable customers to insert a tolerance value so users can account for both the pipe trench width/height and the pipe thickness when deciding the vertical and horizontal tolerance values.

    Kind Regards, 

    InfoDrainage Product Management team

  9. Tree Pits

    Add Tree Pits as a type of SuDS structure.

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  10. InfoDrainage - Time of entry to be called time of entry, not time of concentration

    Te has specific meaning in the UK when using the rational method (modified).
    Tc also has speific meaning (Te + sumTf).
    It would be better if the software wants the user to input a Te, that it calls it Te. At the moment it calls the Te Time of concentration, which is very confusing.

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  11. Change the size / dimensions of multiple manholes at once

    MicroDrainage Network

    It would be very useful if it was possible to change the dims of many manholes at once. It'a a very laborious and time consuming task to change each dimension one-by-one, especially if the network is very large!

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  12. Assess scenarios based on annual water balance (runoff, infiltration, evaporation)

    Assessment of the annual water balance is an important criteria to evaluate drainage design at neighbourhood level.
    Functionality to assess scenarios in a chart (similar to typical pre-urban vs. urban) would save time in GIS-postprocessing

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  13. Include SuDS Maintenance

    Add the ability to have a maintenance sheet in the print outs for SuDS structures.

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  14. manhole and pipe size files

    when I start a new network, the criteria automatically selects my default manhole and pipe size file, can you change it so when importing a file for the first time it selects my standard default files, older versions did select the default file

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  15. to be able to change the default button in storm duration

    to be able to change the default button in storm duration so I can set up my own default settings

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  16. "Copy to clipboard" alongside print/export on Microdrainage spreadhseet input/outputs

    Would greatly simplify the process of getting results/details from MD into a report, skipping a stage in the current process (Export to CSV/Excel - Open)

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  17. Include Linear Drainage Channels

    Support a wider range of linear drainage channels.

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  18. Realistic Flow in SuDS structures

    Realistic flow through bioretention, permeable paving and other SuDS within hydraulic models.

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  Hydraulics  ·  Admin →
  19. Support Biodiversity net gain

    Support the ability to create a biodiversity metric for SuDS structures as per the Defra tool.

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  20. 2 votes

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