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Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling

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370 results found

  1. Buildup and washoff on permeable surfaces.

    Pollution buildup and washoff can also happen on pervious area in Innovyze .buildup/washoff model.

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  2. Agricultural pollution.

    Including agricultural pollution in the model. Such as fertilization and pesticide application. These pollutions can buildup rapidely on the surface and washoff during irrigation and rainfall period. Some common model softwares such as SWAT and WASP have this simulation process.

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  3. 2 votes

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    MORE INFO NEEDED  ·  2 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  4. Water environmental capacity calculation

    Add environmental capacity calculation in ICM, user can easily find how much pollution the river can receive at each time step and each river’s total environment capacity during the whole simulatiton.
    Water Environmental Capacity Calculation
    Water environmental capacity is an essential component of water environmental assessment and must be monitored and managed for economic, engineering, and human health reasons. Many efforts have been made to study methods for the calculation of water environmental capacity. This content reviews available literature on water environmental capacity. The evolutionary history and application scenarios of major water quality models, and water environmental capacity calculation…

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  5. "jet flow" and agitation (inflow with a certain speed)

    In China, efforts are being made to improve black and smelly water bodies. One of the measures is to increase water fluidity to improve water quality through natural purification of water bodies. So there are two measures to increase the fluidity of water body: "jet flow" and agitation. We need to add these two measures to ICM. In one-dimensional river or two-dimensional water body, the simulation of "jet" device is added to realize the setting of an inflow into the model at a certain speed. In a two-dimensional water body, the addition of local agitation facilities can realize the change…

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  6. Local water quality settings.

    User can set local water quality parameters and local initial condition of Water Quality in ICM rather than globally.
    Local WQ parameter should at least contain decay rate, DO process coefficient etc..
    As for the local initial condition, DO concentration and other pollutants concentration could be set for each river reach.
    For example, for one node or one link it could have a local “decay” in itself. And for the initial condition every node or link can have different intial pollution concentrations.

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  7. Calculatiton speed with diffusion needs to improve.

    Diffusion will seriously slow down the model culculation. But generally the water quality models have to run for several years. With current simulation speed that would be unlikely to do a water quality simulation with diffusion.

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  8. Save toolbar and screen configurations and locations

    I run InfoWorks on my laptop, and have an external monitor. I find I'm often searching for toolbar buttons because switching between the two monitors of different sizes re-configures the locations of the various toolbars and screens.

    For example, on my external monitor there is enough room to have the User Actions toolbar displaying, but my laptop is smaller and there is no longer enough room for it, so instead of two rows it bumps down to three and moves my toolbars all around. Adding in profiles or even a scrollable space for the toolbars so the ones to the…

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  9. Orifice to limit flow in both directions

    A limiting discharge set on an orifice should limit flow in both directions. Currently, the orifice limits flow in the forward direction; however, flow can go in the reverse direction at an unlimited rate. Hydraulically, if there is a physical feature that limits flow, it seems that it would limit to (for example) <10 l/s and > - 10 l/s.

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  10. Modelling of Pressure Sewer System Storage Vessels

    In the modelling of pressure sewer systems you often need to represent the same (standard) storage vessel (storage function) in your network over and over again. However, there is no storage tab in the node grid that would allow you to create and assign a common (named) storage function to multiple nodes.

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  11. Modelling of Septicity

    As a sewer modeller I have occasionally been asked about odour generation in sewer networks. I have noticed that DO (dissolved oxygen) and BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) are both inputs in the wastewater and trade-waste model groups of Infoworks ICM SE. Given that these are possible inputs in a sewer model, is it possible to model the consumption of DO by BOD within the network to determine where and when the sewage becomes anaerobic and prone to odour generation? This would be particularly useful if you wanted to model the addition of a high BOD low volume trade waste stream…

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  12. The ability to save databases/models as previous versions for backwards compatibility

    A few of our clients use different versions of InfoWorks for various reasons (some are resistant to upgrading until they've had a chance to vet the new versions and understand the changes in house). This can create a problem where we must maintain and build using multiple versions of the software and multiple databases for different versions to serve different clients.

    I would like the ability to save a database/transportable database for compatibility of previous versions. Similar to what we have with AutoCAD, where you can work in the latest version, but choose which version to save it in. Currently…

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. Export to Geopackage

    New versions should export to more generic GIS formats so that they are independent of commercial GIS platforms.

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  15. Allow to Use TSDB when running a simulation in ICM Exchange

    Running a simulation with TSDB data is currently not supported in ICM Exchange.

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  16. Allow pollutographs to apply on subcatchments

    At the moment it is not possible to set a pollutograph for subcatchments, and the modeller is obliged first to run the hydrology, export the hydrograph, re-import the hydrograph as inflow, and finally re-run with a pollutograph

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  17. Inverse Distance Weightage in ICM

    We have Thiessen in ICM. It will be great if we have IDW like what we have in RS.

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  18. Can ICM add particle tracking module?

    When there are pollutants that enter a system from various sources then it would be good to have pollutant tracing functionality which shows the source and the pollutant moving through the system, giving an idea of the rate at which it travels and impacts areas downstream.

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  19. RTC - New time range to allow "between 2 dates" every year

    In a similar way to the way "time repeat" works, can we have an RTC range that works between the same 2 dates every year. I have a catchment where the operating protocol works differently in the Bathing Season from the rest of the year. Having a way to check with one range if we are in the bathing season or not would avoid the clunky work arounds.

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  20. RTC updated to support scripting

    It would be good to have RTCs available through direct scripting rather than through the RTC editor alone.

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