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Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling

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370 results found

  1. Loading bars for large 2d TIN results.

    Vissible loading progress for loading large or TIN modelling results.

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  2. leave Layers and Themes window open

    Could you make it possible to work in the Geoplan without having to close the Layers and Themes window? It would make switching Layers on and off much easier. Alternatively you could add a separate window to switch layers on and off.

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  3. colour labels based on flags

    Make it possible to colour the labels based on the flags associated with the displayed field values.

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  4. Interface Utility export efficiency

    Hi Paul,

    Can I make a suggestion regarding the InterfaceUtils.exe utility?

    Seeing that we are now dealing with considerably more rainfall data associated with ARR2016/2019 rainfall & temporal patterns, can Innovyze (or whoever created the abovementioned utility) look at updating the executable such that one doesn’t have to browse for a particular file in the “File name” field. As an alternative, it would be handy if we had the option to simply update the file name manually in the “File name” field and press a “reload button”. Furthermore, it would also be beneficial if there was an additional function to…

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  5. Modelling of mud and other non-Newtonian flows

    We've a lot of work at the moment modelling the failure of tailings dams. Tailings dams typically have material that acts in a non-Newtonian manner. To effectively model these sorts of fluids would require the inclusion of additional fluid properties. The Bingham method ( has been successfully applied in other applications.

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  6. Alert Action Repetition Control - repeat action after alert has been active for Xnr runs

    We have a model set up to process the EA's flood alerts and send out warnings when new ones become active. The model runs every 30 minutes, so we pick up the latest alerts and the repetition control is set to once so people don't become drowned in alerts. I would like to be able, if the EA alert was still active, to repeat this alert 24 hours later - so maybe have an additional repetition control column to repeat the alert after Xnr model runs. So in this case 48 runs would give me my daily repeat of the…

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  7. Improvement on the Numerical Correction Process in ICM

    The current procedure for ‘Numerical Correction’ in ICM requires users to remove any existing values to calculate the correction (for Preismann and Base flow) before the inbuilt routine is run. If this wasn't made the calculated correction values are added on top of any existing value thereby reducing the total storage in the system. However, the correction for 'Storage Compensation' deletes any existing values before calculating the compensation value. Therefore, there is inconsistency in the approach which has the potential to reduce the total storage at a node. Either, the inbuilt process for 'Numerical Correction' should be revisited or the…

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  8. Use ruby to edit rainfall dialogue box

    Exporting rainfall files to csv for manipulation creates details of the storm events themselves, we would like to be able to change the return periods, durations, multiplying factors shown in the rainfall dialogue editor instead.

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  9. User defined results fields

    Can we have user defined results fields? these would allow us to generate time series results that could include the total flows from a series of subcatchments or the total flow going to a node. another example is where we are required to generate a WQ 'score' where the score is a combination of a number of water quality parameters. There would be implications for live modelling as well. We'd be comfortable with having to write a SQL to get what we need.

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    RECEIVED  ·  pascal.lang responded

    Thanks for this idea, while it can already be done for themes, extending this out for results generation sounds good. The assumption is that a retrospectively applied SQL to populate User Text 1 with the desired result isn’t sufficient for this requirement?

  10. Post processing scripts as part of a live simulation

    We need to be able to automatically run scripts at the completion of our forecasts. it would be extremely helpful if we could have these scripts as part of the manifest workflow so that they started as soon as the results export task completed.

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  11. Alert on river sections without having to make 1D results points

    We'd like to create alerts on river sections without having to create either results points or having the reach split at the cross section in question

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  12. Support for more than two simulations in long sections

    When evaluating the effects of raising and lowering roughness it would be helpful to display three or more simulations in the same long section; at the moment it is only possible to display 2.

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  13. Use TSDB data streams in flexible graphs

    Currently, I can graph individual TSDB streams, or once a simulation has run compare a TSDB stream with modelled data at a particular node. But it would be helpful if I could compare TSDB streams with other TSDB streams, or with multiple model locations, or with many other possibilities that I cant immediately think of.

    The flexible custom graph already allows me to do that with modelled data and with data from events (rainfall, observed levels, etc): adding the ability to use TSDB streams would make this already useful function even more powerful.

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  14. Export results to CSV/Database with a more flexible selection list in ICMLive

    In ICMLive, we can now export results to CSV/Database with a pre-defined selection list. In ICM, we can have a more flexible way.
    For example if I hope to export results point (2D), initially I may have 1 million points. What we can do in ICM is, run a SQL to query points with sim.max_depth2d > 0.05, then save them to a selection list. We may only have 0.1 million points to export.
    Can we have a similar function in ICMLive, which combines SQL and selection list?

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  15. Get time-series values from an existing (rainfall/inflow/level) event in ICM Exchange

    In ICM, we can open a rainfall event as graph. However, since we cannot query the time-series data from existing events in ICM Exchange, it's also impossible for us to do any visualization for these events.

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  16. Select Assets with a given User Flag in any Properties Field

    Allow assets to be selected/sorted (SQL or Grid View) based on a flag value in any properties field. This would make some model build and QA tasks much easier.

    For example, data may be needed to properly model a serwerage pumping station but isn't available yet. An engineering judgement may be made with a user flag showing the data has been requested but that an engineering judgement has been made in the interim to allow model build to proceed. The ability to select/sort assets with this user flag in any property field would make user flags much more useful both…

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  17. Sort by Validation Error in Grid View

    Allow columns in grid views to be sorted by validation error(s). This would make fixing validation errors much easier.

    For example, when modelled pipes/nodes are updated from the GIS, the Subcatchments sometimes lose their Node ID link as the node names may have changed. Being able to sort these validation issues to the top of the grid would make fixing the errors much easier. This would be particularly useful across multiple scenarios since the selection list created from the validation can't be saved with the "un-shown" objects from a different scenario.

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  18. Implicit SQL link between River reaches and associated storage area

    It should be possible to write a validation query to check if the lowest vertex of a River reach bank line does not lie below the ground level of the storage area it overflows to. With an implicit link between the river reach and the left and right storage areas it overflows to, the query would be easy:

    Object type: river reach
    SELECT WHERE min(leftbank.Z) < leftnode.groundlevel;
    SELECT WHERE min(right
    bank.Z) < rightnode.groundlevel;

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  19. Enable TIN Reference in Scenarios (Enable/Disable)

    All other layers in XPSTORM/XPSWMM are able to be deactivated for different scenarios.

    If you could allow for the Topography tins to be activated and deactivated (like Fill Areas, Elevation Shapes etc), this will allow for multiple scenarios (i.e. pre- and post-development) and minimise the complexities of trying to model two identical scenarios on two seperate models.

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  20. Total sediment ( SF1+SF2).

    In the result “graph” and “table” window add a new field for “total sediment” which presents the mass flow and the concentration of “sf1”+”sf2”

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