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Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling

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  1. Refine selection to include subcatchments draining to multiple links or other subcatchments

    Subcatchments draining to a single link can already be added to an existing selection of node and links by using the refine option, if the upstream node of that link is selected. It would be interesting to have a similar extension for subcatchments draining to multiple links or to other subcatchments. E.g. when I select part of a network by routing and I want to know the total contributing area of it, regardless of the connecting mode of the subcatchments.

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    RECEIVED  ·  pascal.lang responded

    Thank you for submitting this idea, it would make for a good extension to existing functionality in this space.

  2. Set up runs more efficiently

    Is there a matrix type tool in ICM that allows you to easily set up complicated run set ups? i.e. for this 1 Model Network, these runs with use these rainfall files, inflow files, WWG, etc are needed.

    Model Name
    Base Model

    Rainfall Inflow WWG Tradeflows
    M5-30 Inf-M5-30 WWG1 Trade1
    M5-240 Inf-M5-240 WWG1 Trade1
    M5-960 Inf-M5-960 WWG1 Trade1
    M10-30 Inf-M10-30 WWG1 Trade1
    M10-240 Inf-M10-240 WWG1 Trade1
    M10-960Inf-M10-960 WWG1 Trade1

    With same timesteps and 2D parameters?

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  3. Interpolation of levels

    It happens too often that while merging different models, you suddenly need a different timestep for your level-file. The only way to do this now, is remake your level completely. It would be better to (when changing the timestep of your level) ICM would ask what do : automatically interpolate the new in between time steps, put the in between time steps on zero,...

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    MORE INFO NEEDED  ·  1 comment  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  4. Apply RTC / observed values to Sluice Linear Structures

    At the moment we cannot move sluice linear structures in 2D. We're wanting to model a river entirely in 2D but the river is subject to a series of barrages that would require control. Therefore it would be essential to apply RTC and observed settings to the gates.

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  2D Flooding  ·  Admin →
  5. 1 vote

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  Productivity  ·  Admin →
  6. Merge more than two polygon in one go

    Merging polygons representing for instance mesh zones can help reducing the number of triangles, particularly small ones, and reduce simulation time. The version of ICM I am using can only merge two polygons at the time. I currently do the polygon merge as part of my data pre-processing before importing the data into ICM as I can merge more than two polygons at the time. However, it would be useful to be able merge several polygons in one go in ICM.

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  2D Flooding  ·  Admin →
  7. Realign feature

    A new feature I’d like to see for lines/polygons is a ‘realign feature’ tool. When selected, if you clicked on a vertex in a line or on a polygon boundary (single click and release), it would ‘grab’ that vertex and allow you to move it. Once you placed it, when you move the mouse either direction along the line, it would AUTOMATICALLY grab the next vertex on the line. Right-clicking would bring up a menu allowing you to ‘release’ the line (leaving the ‘grabbed’ vertex in its original location), delete the grabbed vertex, insert a new vertex, or ‘skip’ a…

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  Productivity  ·  Admin →
  8. Realign Feature Tool

    For XPSWMM and Infoworks (any GUI editor you have actually):

    Moving an existing line substantially is something that occasionally happens. If we could do this without having to delete the entire thing, or click and drag each vertex one at a time, it would be a big help at times.

    A new feature I’d like to see for lines/polygons is a ‘realign feature’ tool. When selected, if you clicked on a vertex in a line or on a polygon boundary (single click and release), it would ‘grab’ that vertex and allow you to move it. Once you place it by…

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  9. Triangles browser

    Small triangles can slow down 2D simulations significantly. Currently, after creating a 2D mesh, I export the 2D mesh to a GIS software to check how many triangles I have below certain size and where they are. This helps me address the problem of small triangles efficiently. it would be helpful to have a similar functionality in ICM (i.e. triangles browser).

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    RECEIVED  ·  2 comments  ·  2D Flooding  ·  Admin →
  10. As a user, I would like to have warnings about the landuse polygon size that will greatly slow down the performance in XPSWMM.

    Large number of land use polygons can greatly slow down the performance of XPSWMM, it can take up to 10 min to open and save a model. Ideally this issue should be fixed. Before that happens, if XPSWMM can warn the user for the large size of the landuse polygons, and provide links to ways to simplify the polygons or move landuse out as a reference layer, that will save the users lots of time.

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    RECEIVED  ·  1 comment  ·  2D Flooding  ·  Admin →
  11. Background tasks overall progress visible in ICM

    I think waiting for ICM to finish the task without having an idea about when this might be is not productive at all. Tasks like opening a simulation, graph something in the model, running a statistical template should be done accompanied by a loading bar, which will show the overall progress of that task.

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    RECEIVED  ·  1 comment  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  12. Import selection lists from CSV

    A simple request - can we have the ability to create csv files of selection lists that could then be imported into ICM?

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  Data Exchange  ·  Admin →
  13. Include groundlevel as attribute in export network 2D mesh elements

    When you export a model to shape for example, only the element id is included. You have to run a simulation (for a second) and then exporting maximum reveales the element ground level. It saves time to add the mesh element level to the export. Although easy to add in GIS, the element area is also a handy attribute

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  2D Flooding  ·  Admin →
  14. Wide "Oval" shape ID

    conduit shape ID "Oval" only allows Height > With. So for "horizontally" wide oval conduits a new conduit shape has te be defined. It would be practical if the standard "Oval" also allows a with greater than the hight.

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  Hydraulics  ·  Admin →
  15. no flag update when updating via CSV

    In ICM, when only updating a value via CSV file (Network -> Import -> Update from CSV files), the data flag should be left untouched instead of being "blanked" or updated with a new value (based on the "Flag to use for new/updated data" in the 'import from CSV data" screen)

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  16. Improved Method to export videos / graphics from ICM

    This suggestion is from NYC DEP. We would like the ability to more easily export results from ICM in video or picture format.

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    RECEIVED  ·  1 comment  ·  Visualization  ·  Admin →
  17. Dissolve river reaches into multiple river reaches

    It would be great to have the capability to generate automatically and perfectly snapped nodes in all/some of the X-sections of one/multiple river reaches in ICM and therefore split that river reach into various river reaches (kind of the opposite tool of the river reach merging tool). The two main applications for this are 1) If you need to connect a pipe to a river reach and you need to add a new node that will interpolate a new X-section somewhere and will cause the river reach polygon to be outdated, so you need to generate it again... it is…

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  River Modeling  ·  Admin →
  18. Option to disable flag colour backgrounds for Custom Labels

    When creating a custom label and using field values, the values have a background in the colour of the flag value. In many cases, the flag value is not a suitable colour to be a background and makes the text difficult to read.
    Could you make an option in the Formatting settings for custom labels to disable this behaviour so that the flag colour is not displayed.

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    RECEIVED  ·  3 comments  ·  Visualization  ·  Admin →
  19. Use edit flag for selection of fields only

    By using the Use edit flag option, all changed fields are now set to the edit flag. For a lot of fields (for example the us and ds node or the suffix) it is not necessary to set this flag to the Edit flag.

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  Visualization  ·  Admin →
  20. Tile only for selected windows

    Choose which Windows are used for Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically. If a Geoplan and two Long Sections are open, we want to tile only the Long Sections, so a selection for the tiling would be useful.

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