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Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling

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370 results found

  1. Pipe collision check

    Client feedback: an automatic check for colliding pipes would be highly appreciated to avoid nightmares in the construction.

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  2. As a user, I would like the computing time to be reported as clock time rather than CPU time in XPSWMM 2D

    I just noticed this when trying to run a test on model speed. This is with the “CPU” Extreme option and 4 CPUs selected. The clock time is about 16 minutes, but the elapsed time is showing at 58 (close to 16x4). I think the ET is counting CPU time, and not clock time. While CPU time is interesting, I think it would be better to report clock time if you’re going to label it “Elapsed Time”.

    Perhaps a separate “CPU Time” line would be appropriate when using multiple CPUs.


    | XPSWMM/XPSTORM Simulation Date and Time Summary |


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  3. Save toolbar and screen configurations and locations

    I run InfoWorks on my laptop, and have an external monitor. I find I'm often searching for toolbar buttons because switching between the two monitors of different sizes re-configures the locations of the various toolbars and screens.

    For example, on my external monitor there is enough room to have the User Actions toolbar displaying, but my laptop is smaller and there is no longer enough room for it, so instead of two rows it bumps down to three and moves my toolbars all around. Adding in profiles or even a scrollable space for the toolbars so the ones to the…

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  4. Set database management permissions

    (Workgroup) database permissions are now mainly used to prevent users from modifying content within the database, but there is currently no way to prevent them from updating databases, creating new ones unlimitedly on servers with otherwise protected access etc. It would therefore be useful to have an additional security level which deals with database management permissions.

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    IN DISCUSSION  ·  pascal.lang responded

    Thank you for this request.

    There are already settings available for database creation permissions which can be implemented using the snumbat.ini file.

    Specifically there is a keyword “AllowDatabaseCreation” where a setting of 0 means creation is disallowed and a settings of 1 means creation is allowed. The Workgroup Data Server Administration document which can be requested from Innovyze talks through these steps and provides examples for the snumbat.ini files.

    When it comes to the updating of databases, is this to restrict the ability to update from a particular software version database to a later one or rather to prevent update to the contents of the database please?


  5. Import HAZUS data into InfoWorks ICM Damage Functions

    HAZUS data can be accessed from the backend using MS SQL. Could an import function be added to ICM which would allow a connection to the database and import data as needed to create damage functions?

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  6. Infoworks ICM - Import CAD files

    Import CAD files as a background, network, and/or to be able to utilise it to create a surface from.

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  7. Better documentation on XPX/XPTABLES to map UI element to variables

    I would like for Innovyze to create a complete list of all the codes that can be used in XPX or XPTables, with descriptions of how they are used, and/or make it very easy to find out what those codes are.

    For example, NKLASS is used in XPX to change the conduit shape. In XPX, the NKLASS codes are just numbers that correspond to particular shapes. To figure out which number is which takes making a dummy model . I was hoping that you have a full data definition somewhere that tells what all these things are.

    In XPTables, however,…

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  8. Support for more than two simulations in long sections

    When evaluating the effects of raising and lowering roughness it would be helpful to display three or more simulations in the same long section; at the moment it is only possible to display 2.

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    RECEIVED  ·  0 comments  ·  River Modeling  ·  Admin →
  9. I would like to create a template for model import from GIS to XPSWMM

    When you go exchange data from GIS to XPSWMM you need to find all the fields you want each time and rename all the field for GIS compatibility. I would like to create a standard template once and use that template for each model and each time I need to exchange data. I may even create smaller templates to import catchments, hydrology data, and networks separately.

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  10. Update user defined vortex controls in ICM so hydrobrake head discharge curves can be modelled

    Current user defined vortex controls don't accept head discharge curves where the discharge reduces for increasing head i.e. what happens in a hydrobrake. It would be useful to get this updated to ensure consistency between ICM and drainage design.

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  11. Partially complete a simulation and review results and then opt to continue the simulation

    Simulations often take a long time to run. I would like to be able to "pause" the simulation and review the results to check that the initialisation is correct, or that an RTC is working properly, and if I am happy then continue the simulation to completion.

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    ON ROADMAP  ·  pascal.lang responded

    The approach which we are looking to leverage here is one which deviates a little from the original request but gives the same ability to interrogate results part way through a simulation. After investigating options, the best appears to be to have a run for the total duration you are interested in, then set a state saving checkbox in the run and when you wish to interrogate simulation results stop the simulation. We will then make use of ICMLive developed concatenation of results to allow us to tie in the “continuation run” with the results which were stopped earlier. There is a lot more detail to this than I can add here, but it should meet the need.

  12. Drag and drop ruby

    The ability to drag and drop ruby scripts from the file system into the ICM window in order to execute them.

    This will not only be useful for day to day use of using ruby scripts but will also be useful for 3rd party (and open source) applications like InfoLab

    Currently in order to inject ruby scripts into the UI we have to use open up Network tab and execute the "Run Ruby Script" button's default action. Creating a drop event onto ICM would be significantly easier and is extremely easy to implement (a few hours)

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  13. River bank cumulative flow

    It would be great to have the ability to graph bank flows and have a cumulative flow result available.

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  14. Enhance import/export of SWMM models for ICM platform

    Enhance model import from SWMM5 INP files to include a few of the Open Data Import Center /Open Data Export Center options:
    • Only update existing records
    • Ignore existing objects
    • Overwrite, Merge, etc.
    • Export Selection only
    Ultimately we want to have a central model copy but have the ability to easily push out and in simple EPASWMM INP files for developers and others. When a new SWMM INP file comes back from another modeler, we’d like a good way to update the existing model from that.
    It would be great if this applied to both SWMM and…

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  15. Removing missing GIS-layers

    If a GIS-layer for a model is missing you cannot remove the reference to it because the layer isn't visible in the GIS layer control window. So you keep getting the error message each time you open the model. Why not make missing GIS-layers visible in the GIS layer control window ('greyed out' or with a suffix '(missing)' in the description). Then you can select it and remove it.

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  16. Only update interpreted points on Bank Line when updating from Ground Model

    When updating bank lines from ground model it would be useful to have an option was available to only update the interpreted points, therefore retaining vertices heights from cross sections and surveyed points. Or an option to easily delete the interpreted points, so they can be updated.

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    RECEIVED  ·  pascal.lang responded

    Thanks for this idea, I agree that it would be great to see this.

  17. Import selection lists from CSV

    A simple request - can we have the ability to create csv files of selection lists that could then be imported into ICM?

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  18. Use of cfg for mapping in Polygon Generation via Intersection or have a Ruby do it

    In doing (and often multiple redoing) the Polygon Generation via Intersection, it would be very useful to have the opportunity to save the mapping (which GIS or Network Field in which Polygon field) in a cfg file, like the ODEC feature has the opportunity to save the mapping.
    As an alternative it would also be very useful to be able to run a Ruby which activates the Polygon Generation via Intersection and even the Area Take Off features.

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  19. Infoworks ICM - Contours and Labels

    Infoworks - ICM

    Contours with labels to be shown on ground model

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  20. RORB Hydrology Method in ICM

    InfoWorks ICM currently has the RAFTS Hydrological Routing method, but as a flood modelling user, I would like access to the RORB method as an option inside ICM. It is a similar method to RAFTS and would help endorsement of the software where RORB hydrology is a requirement.

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