Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling
Welcome to the Innovyze Stormwater, Sewer, and Flood modeling feedback page.
370 results found
Re-order objects
Can it be possible to re-order objects within an InfoWorks ICM model Group. As objects can get added or superseded over time. So to aid model audits and ease of use, it would be really beneficial to have an option to re-order. Thanks
6 votesThanks for the idea. Have you tried using the different sort options in the tree?
As a user i want to see 'failed' simulations within the Results Management Window rather than 'completed' status
When a sim completes as status Incomplete the sim icon changes to red and the Job control window states sim status Incomplete. However, in the Results Management window the sim status is ‘Complete’!
For consistency and user friendliness; Please can you fix to reflect the status Incomplete? This change will make re-running sims so much easier and save end users not having to delve into IDs to work out which sim need investigation.
3 votes -
As a user I want to be able to adjust dry weather flow diurnal profiles easily to account for day light savings
Diurnal wastewater and tradewaste profiles shift over the course of the year due to day light saving time adjustments. I would like to see ICM include the ability to phase shift the diurnal patterns to account for DLS. I believe this adjustment would be best placed in the "monthly calibration" tab where in addition to the scaling "factor' there is also a time adjustment factor
24 votes -
Need additional Timestep function for "Between episodes" of "Simulation runoff only"
It needs creating a new Timestep function in ICM Run window that allows setting up timestep for "Simulation runoff only" for the "Between episodes" separately with "Timestep (s)" in Run window. This new function saves a lot of running time when the model can simulate the runoff only with larger time step using the "Episode Collection"
2 votes -
Scenario assigned 'official' ID numbers within software
I would like for scenario names to be prefixed with a built-in ID number, in the same way that model commits have official version numbers, and wastewater and trade waste profiles have ID numbers. ICM clearly tracks ID numbers behind the scenes, since it is able to keep the scenarios in the same order (rather than sorting them alphabetically or similar).
When specifying exactly which 'model' was used to produce a set of simulation results, it is necessary to specify network ID, version ID and scenario ID - so it would be helpful to be able to just point to…
1 vote -
compatibility with WMTS servers
Compatibility with WMTS servers for the GIS layer control would be very urgent. Right now a lot of data is only to project from WMTS servers.
1 vote -
Commit history for scenarios
Commit history for scenarios
Show an extra column in the commit history window to indicate how many scenarios exist in this version of the network. Ideally, there would be a button or column through which you can see the names of the scenarios for this network version.12 votes -
Add Data Sets to InfoWorks
Add Data Sets to InfoWorks as one can do in InfoSWMM. Helpful when clients want to model alternatives scenarios and make last minute changes.
2 votes -
Active/Inactive Network Elements
Ability to activate and inactivate model elements in InfoWorks as one can do in InfoSWMM.
2 votes -
Inflow files with different timesteps or ability to import multiple inflow files to a Run file.
For inflow files, sometimes you have 15-min data for one gauge, and 5-min data for another location, and you want to import them both to the model. It would be helpful to be able to import inflow files with different timesteps for the same date range, so you don't have to manipulate data outside of ICM in excel. Or, allowing the ability to import multiple inflow files to the same run.
3 votesThis functionality exists using a 'Time series database' object.
Note this is an advanced feature and not available on all license types.
Built-in mapping capabilities, like PCSWMM and Civil 3D have
Other software has built-in background mapping capabilities for free, using OpenStreetMaps or Bing satellite/hybrid road maps for georeferenced models. The current capability of supporting WMS servers falls way too short and there are no free options available anymore.
This should have been included ages ago.
4 votes -
Un-ticking All Objects under ICM Properties and Themes
The "Properties and Themes" provides the option to Display certain model Object Layers (i.e. Node, Conduit, 2D Zone, etc.). It is a very long list of about 50 layers.
It would be helpful if there is an option to Tick (or Un-Tick) all layers at once.
6 votes -
Spread automatic inserted vertices in Bank Lines equally
The "Update from ground model" provides the option to “Insert vertices on lines to give maximum spacing of x m”. This is very useful for creating Bank Line vertices at small intervals. It would be helpful if those inserted vertices are spread equally over the Bank Line section.
At the moment new vertices are created at the specified interval (e.g. 10m), which often results in new vertices created very close to the existing downstream Cross-section end vertices. This can result in tiny internal triangles during meshing.
Spreading out the inserted vertices at equal distance over the Bank Line will provide…
8 votes -
ICM - HEC-22 Combination Inlet for continuous grade inlets
Currently ICM has 6 FWHA Gully Inlet types:
ContCo Continuous Curb Opening
ContG Continuous Grate
SagC Sag Combination
SagCO Sag Curb Opening
SagG Sag Grate and
UPC GrateA commonly used Inlet type (particularly in QLD Australia) that is missing from this list is the combination (curb opening + grate) on a continuous grade.
Section in the HEC-22 manual discuss the capacity of these inlets where the curb opening precedes the grate in the direction of flow. It would be particularly useful to include this option in ICM rather than assuming a grate only inlet type or having to…
3 votes -
Allow Theming Inflow areas by attributes
I would like to visually theme the Inflow areas by an attribute, say, Percent Impervious (PIMP)
2 votes -
Ability to snap to DWG or GIS background layers
When moving a manhole, I would like to snap to drawing geometry
6 votes -
Restrict user ability to "Empty Recycle Bin"
Ideally it would be good to give a couple of named users the ability to empty the recycle bin - everyone else can send things TO the recycle bin, and can go into the bin to recover 'deleted' items, but they won't be able to empty it. This functionality is already present in some other software suites, for example Microsoft SharePoint, where only users designated as 'administrators' can empty the recycle bin.
The recycle bin in ICM is a wonderful upgrade over CS, in that it is now possible to retrieve certain items that have been accidently deleted. However, I…
2 votes -
Image Import Information: File Types and Sizes
Would like to see the list of accepted file types (SVG, PNG, JPEG, PDF, etc.) , and file size limitations.
1 vote -
Assign wastewater and tradewaste profiles for special dates
I would like to see that InfoWorks ICM has a feature that allows the user to be able to assign wasterwater/tradewaste profiles to special dates in a calendar year, for example, statutory holidays. Those special dates can be defined by the user. This is important when running a long period simulation for wet weather flow calibration, where a large storm event (and corresponding I&I) occurred on a statutory holiday which is not a weekend. Dry weather flow pattern for a statutory holiday is typically closer to a weekend pattern than a weekday. The user has the option to assign a…
1 vote -
Volume on a discharge graph with results section
When we display the graph of the discharge (flow through line) of a results section (line object), we don’t have access of the information about the volume (usually when we display a discharge graph, the volume is indicated at the bottom of the graph, but it’s not the case with a results section).
It could be interesting to have this information about the volume (especially because the results section are a tool very useful to use).5 votes