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Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling

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370 results found

  1. It will great if we can control the display of the labels in ICM to have a better visualization.

    For example : the possiblity of changing the precision in the labels (the decimal number of the value )

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  2. Split a subcatchment

    To be able to easily split a subcatchment into 2 separate subcatchments.

    For example when it becomes obvious that the flow from a subcatchment cannot be collected at a pit (node), it becomes necessary to insert an additional pit (node) to capture flows. The subcatchment needs to be easily split (say with a general line) into 2 separate subcatchments with similar data other than the new areas.

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    RECEIVED  ·  2 comments  ·  Hydrology  ·  Admin →
  3. Add bottom orifice in ancillaries

    You will find in the attached document a frequent encountered example of a bottom orifices.

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  4. Import “initial conditions 2D” CSV files in batches .

    At the moment I can only import initial conditions 2D” CSV files one by one. It would be helpful if I could import a batch of files in one go, like with CSV rainfall files.

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  5. Generate Stats reports as a background task

    Generate Stats reports as a background task so User Interface isn't locked - as for simutations and meshing

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  6. zoom to selection

    I am using a Ruby script that dynamically updates the current selection.

    I would like to be able to be invoke the "zoom to selection" user-interface function from within the script so that the progress of the script can be viewed by end-users. It would also be useful in developing and checking the logic of the script.

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  7. Layer list theme view

    Theme view that shows the background layer themes. So if I have created a theme on a layer I'd like to be able to see that theme without going in to the layer list properties etc.

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  8. Improve database and results files read performance

    When opening an ICM network for the first time (i.e. no network files in the local files "Working" folder), the WDS reads through the database file in 4 kB chunks to retrieve the requested version of the network. This read process appears to be limited to a disk "queue depth" of 1 and is therefore very sensitive to drive latency. In a cloud environment, drive latency can be in single digit milliseconds. Therefore, the read process might achieve 400 x 4 kB = 1.6 MB per second. If the database file is large, it can take many minutes for the…

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  9. Seamless Import/Export of Civil 3d pipe networks into ICM.

    Seamless Import/Export of Civil 3d pipe networks into ICM. It just make sense now the companies are joined rather than having to work-around/manipulate data between the two.

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    ON ROADMAP  ·  1 comment  ·  Data Exchange  ·  Admin →
  10. Model Updates on Groups

    As a user with over 110 network models when we update to a new version can it be added that you update model group and not just models, this would save a mass of time on updating each model to new version if we could select a group and it updates all within,

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  11. Multiple Conduit Selection

    The Select downstream (or upstream) links button is of limited use. Typically, I would like to select all downstream CONDUITS, in order to create a long section, but I find ICM arbitrarily include overland links (curb & gutter) between nodes and not show the conduit. I guess an SQL could be written, but a simple select conduits only button would be better.

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  12. Know which master database refers to a working/results folder

    Create a means to know which master database is connected to a working / results folder. i.e. to go from the long name of the working / results folder to the ICM master database. A simple text file within the folder could give the name of the master database and version of ICM,

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    ON ROADMAP  ·  1 comment  ·  Productivity  ·  Admin →
  13. Additional storage calculations

    Can we please revisit the assumptions in the additional storage routines.

    In a world where everyone has access to accurate property location data, via customer seed points and subcatchments can be any shape or size. The distances between properties and sewers can be much more accurately determined in the calculation than is currently the case, based on the existing A/4L.

    The calculation also makes no allowance for private inspection chambers, which in many instances would provide more volume than the pipe.

    Two versions of the equation driven by a new field in the subcatchment would also be better allowing lateral…

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  14. Revision to manhole representation

    ICM's default representation of manholes could be more accurate. The limitations of current setup allows accurate representation of either the shaft or the benching but not both. Thus most people tend to apply chamber areas to invert which overestimates the volume prior to surcharge or the shaft to top of benching which overestimates the volume at the surface.

    Because we can now define the benching in the database, it would be better if the default dimensions for manholes were altered to represent 4 critical levels, invert, top of benching, roof, and cover. With associated areas as channel, chamber and shaft.

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  15. As a user I want to change the amount of decimals when applying Autolabels in Infoworks ICM

    I want to change the amount of decimals when I apply Autolabels in Properties and Themes. Right now the default is three decimal places which I cannot edit.

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  16. would like whether summer or winter event to be automatically exposed in sim title

    would like whether summer or winter event to be automatically exposed in sim title so when undertaking RPA analysis for both summer and winter events this is exposed automatically rarther than having to rename sims prior to running RPA

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Remove Need to Validate When Changing Background Layers

    Suggest that a network not need to validated or show that it was edited (red circle) for only switching on/off a background (e.g., aerial)layer would be appreciated. Keeping scenarios straight is tough enough w/out the additional heart attack when I don’t recall changing anything.

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  19. Import\Export ESRI ArcGIS Pro data into InfoWorks ICM

    I would like to exchange data between InfoWorks ICM and ESRI.

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  20. Would like MSI installer licensing option flags

    As an IT admin, I would like to install XPSWMM/XPSTORM using the MSI installer with flags to set the licensing options, so that I can automate the installation.

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