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Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling

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370 results found

  1. SQL in run dialog box to select gauged objects

    Using SQL to select gauged objects would allow their dynamic selection based on object properties, not just from a static list. This is an issue when testing scenarios if field names are added/changed. It is further compounded by selection lists becoming read-only after being used in a simulation, prompting a proliferation of duplicate selection list objects to update the list.

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  2. Show water levels at Bridge Linear Structures

    We would like to see the water levels at the bridge linear structures as it is important for us to be able to see the water levels with respect to the bridge openings and decks.

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  3. Storage area polygons

    Storage nodes often represent detention basins or other locations with large areas. Pipes enter/leave from opposite sides. With the standard link/node configuration, one or more link will be mis-configured compared to the actual location.

    I have long wanted to have a storage area polygon, with links connecting to the nearest edge, rather than the center.

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    2 comments  ·  Hydraulics  ·  Admin →

    Great ideas!  The goal is the simplify the physical location to either measured (as-built) or designed locations of pond outfalls, while either logically enforcing the relationship of outfalls to pond/outlet without forced links that do not represent physical pipes.

  4. XPSWMM Inlet capacity - head difference rating or geometry-based inlets

    Inlet capacity creates a second node internally to XPSWMM. Currently, the rating curve methods for it are calculated based on node depth, rather than head differential, which doesn’t work right with 2D if the storm sewer HGL is above the gutter.

    I really like how inlet capacity doesn’t require adding an extra node. I would like to suggest it be expanded as follows:

    1) Simply add a head differential rating curve.

    2) Add a structure-based option for inlets,

    For a structure-based inlet, it could essentially be a multi-link. I would like to have a global database of standard inlet types…

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  5. As a user, I would like to be able to import polygon with holes in it (donut) as subcatchments,

    So that I can model situation part of the drainage area is not draining to the storm sewer system.

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    0 comments  ·  Hydrology  ·  Admin →
    IN DISCUSSION  ·  pascal.lang responded

    Have you attempted to do the import using the “Import as multi-part polygons” option on the Open Data Import Centre?

  6. User URL for X/Y Coordinates

    Currently, the User URL option for the "View Online" menu in Innovyze ICM only allows for the output of longitude and latitude coordinates. Our GIS system is built on the BNG projection and therefore uses X/Y coordinates in its URL. Can you enable X/Y coordinates to be used in the User URL generated by ICM?

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  7. Convergence Errors be resolved automatically while the model is simulated

    Sometime a TSR running for few weeks throws up convergence hence these sims need to be rerun with shorter timestep which is both inefficient and a lot of time is wasted. It would be good if somehow the simulations dialog allowed to run the model with Max and Min timestep so that when it encounters convergence there after the model runs with shorter timestep. (I understand the model does timestep halving but even then it fails to converge)

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    IN DISCUSSION  ·  pascal.lang responded


    Thank you for this, there is already a mechanism available for achieving something very similar to this. If you have a network and then go to the simulation parameters for this network via Model > Model parameters > Simulation parameters then within these there is an entry for “Max number of timestep halvings”. Depending on the timestep in the run dialog and the entry in the simulation parameters here you will be able to determine the minimum computational timestep that the engine goes to before failing a simulation.

    Hope this helps.

  8. Assign Channel shape from ground model using cross section

    In ICM I can sample elevations from ground model to cross section line and use that for river reaches, but sometimes I just want to use simple Channel links or maybe I'm using the SWMM engine which doesn't have rivers.

    I want to pull the channel shape profile from a cross section line on the map to quickly configure simple 1D storm systems.

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  9. Allocate a subcatchment’s flows among several nodes

    This is an idea from CDM Smith == I have an engine feature idea that has occurred to me at various times but never acted on. Today I was discussing an InfoWorks model with a junior colleague. It would clearly help us in this model to be able to allocate a subcatchment’s flows among several nodes, whether identically or according to specified proportions. In this case, we’re filling out an existing model that previously had all 10” and larger pipes in town to now include all the 8” as well, tripling the size of the model. We’re basing new subcatchments…

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    1 comment  ·  Hydrology  ·  Admin →
    RECEIVED  ·  pascal.lang responded

    There is the ability to drain a subcatchment laterally to multiple links in InfoWorks ICM, would this be a close enough representation? When looking to split subcatchment flows across multiple nodes, this is usually achieved by splitting the subcatchments so there is one available for each node which is to be drained to.

  10. Can the simulation log file be broken up into sections

    Can the simulation log file be broken up into sections, as models get bigger and many with several 2d zone trying to find what is actual causing a simulations failure is becoming a bit more difficult having to scroll through big log files for that one line of information. Im thinking a summary sheet on why sim failed, along with a 1d, 2d possible river as well. Would help you look for issues.

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  11. Allow user to set number format in ICM grid windows

    It would be great if a user could set number formats in InfoWorks ICM grid windows. For example, we are calibrating a large diameter pipeline by adjusting Manning's n values. We are using 5 digits after the decimal place, but ICM only shows 4 digits. When I copy from the grid, it only copies 4 digits after the decimal. So I have to use a csv export to see the actual values. Or at least set Manning's n values to 5 digits after the decimal place.

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  12. Validation of Bridge data

    When a model is validated, it doesn't pick up on problems with bridges, that prevent the model from running. For example, the error "bed section is above soffit" is given when trying to run the model, but does not appear in the validation messages. Also, when cross section lines were changed, the validation messages do not mention you having to update the bridge (as they do with the reaches).
    A better bridge validation would be very useful.

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  13. As a user, I would like the computing time to be reported as clock time rather than CPU time in XPSWMM 2D

    I just noticed this when trying to run a test on model speed. This is with the “CPU” Extreme option and 4 CPUs selected. The clock time is about 16 minutes, but the elapsed time is showing at 58 (close to 16x4). I think the ET is counting CPU time, and not clock time. While CPU time is interesting, I think it would be better to report clock time if you’re going to label it “Elapsed Time”.

    Perhaps a separate “CPU Time” line would be appropriate when using multiple CPUs.


    | XPSWMM/XPSTORM Simulation Date and Time Summary |


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  14. Detention Time Modelling

    We would like the model to calculate detention time of sewer in a simulation. The idea is similar to water age calculation in WS. The aim is to use this as a proxy for odour study, in essence we would like to be able to create thematic maps to show where sewer is older, where it gets diluted with fresh, non-pumped, sewer and so on

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  15. Infoworks ICM- Sewage Temperature Modelling and Heat Losses

    The following features should be added to Infoworks ICM for modelling temperature impacts for Heat extraction or heat insertion projects:
    - Sewage temperature to be added in WWG file as a pollutograph parameter and can also be defined in a diurnal pattern to consider trade temperature profiles
    - I&I temperatures can be extra entered
    - Linear heat losses can be defined for standard pipe configurations towards an equilibrium temperature
    - Temperature mixing at each node, based on WQ simulation engine
    - Heat extraction or insertion possible at any model node

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  16. Option to pan through 2 or multiple geoplans at the same time

    Sometimes (in ICM and IAM) in comparing 2 (or more) networks visually the networks are most of the time tiled horizontally of vertically. But when panning through one network, it would be very convenient that the other network(s) is/are also moving.
    Suggestion: An option to visually connect different networks. One is the main and the other networks will be the connected and they will all get the same size. The connected networks will get the zoom factor and the extents of the main network. While panning through one of the networks (preferably the main network) the others will follow.

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  17. Report InfoSWMM available capacity against theoretical flow for specified d/D

    InfoSWMM provides Pipe/Conduit summary report with values for Max flow divided by "Full Flow". Here the "full flow" is based on Manning's equation for when the pipe is full. However as a sewer utility, we're not allowed to fill pipes. We must keep pipes below 80% full as a constant benchmark.
    We'd prefer all our reports are compared against 0.8d/D instead of Full Flow.

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  18. Use Machine Learning to estimate subcatchment inflows to network

    Allow users to skip parameterized subcatchment hydrology estimates which may become outdated over time and replace it with machine learning on measured data from TSDB.

    Flow meter could train algorithm which learns to predict flows based on rainfall. This flow is then allocated to upstream contributing subcatchments.
    As TSDB grows, flow forecasts potentially improve.

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  19. Attribute table copy function

    A better copy function between networks might be usefull: e.g. Also copy the 'link head discharge' or 'conduit shape geometry' tables when copying a link from one network to an other. Or at least a popup allowing you to select which lists to copy or not.

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  20. bottom opening

    Beside an upstanding vertical orrifice, it would be practical to be able to implement horizontal 'bottom holes' from one node to an underlaying node. e.g when a ditch can drain to an underlying conduit by means of a bottom opening. This might be a more straight forward implementation then the weir circumference workround method which is now often used. if possible both circular and rectangular.

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    ON ROADMAP  ·  3 comments  ·  Hydraulics  ·  Admin →

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