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Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling

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370 results found

  1. Merge more than two polygon in one go

    Merging polygons representing for instance mesh zones can help reducing the number of triangles, particularly small ones, and reduce simulation time. The version of ICM I am using can only merge two polygons at the time. I currently do the polygon merge as part of my data pre-processing before importing the data into ICM as I can merge more than two polygons at the time. However, it would be useful to be able merge several polygons in one go in ICM.

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  2. I would like the option to model pump station that operate using VFDs.

    I would like to be able to enter the full and reduced speed pump curves for each pump station that is controlled by variable frequency drives. In addition, I would need the set point or control that causes the pumps to ramp up to full speed.

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  3. Dissolve river reaches into multiple river reaches

    It would be great to have the capability to generate automatically and perfectly snapped nodes in all/some of the X-sections of one/multiple river reaches in ICM and therefore split that river reach into various river reaches (kind of the opposite tool of the river reach merging tool). The two main applications for this are 1) If you need to connect a pipe to a river reach and you need to add a new node that will interpolate a new X-section somewhere and will cause the river reach polygon to be outdated, so you need to generate it again... it is…

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  4. Optional channel to river reachs option

    The way ICM identifies the centre-line of the river reach is by using the point with the lowest invert level. Regardless of the shape of the channels of how much is the value of the X coordinate, didn't affect the appearance of the section to generate, I hope to be able to add a function, can recognize the center line of the river, and the X coordinate is used to define a mapping point distance from the centerline of the channel of the (negative value on behalf of the center line on the left side of the river, when the…

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  5. Orifice to limit flow in both directions

    A limiting discharge set on an orifice should limit flow in both directions. Currently, the orifice limits flow in the forward direction; however, flow can go in the reverse direction at an unlimited rate. Hydraulically, if there is a physical feature that limits flow, it seems that it would limit to (for example) <10 l/s and > - 10 l/s.

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  6. Include groundlevel as attribute in export network 2D mesh elements

    When you export a model to shape for example, only the element id is included. You have to run a simulation (for a second) and then exporting maximum reveales the element ground level. It saves time to add the mesh element level to the export. Although easy to add in GIS, the element area is also a handy attribute

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  7. Auto-space custom labels

    We use custom labels a lot in reporting how we model ancillaries, and for complex assets spend a long time adjusting labels so they don't overlap and do show up properly.
    It would be great if a more "smart" label engine could be used so that labels don't overlap each other, and a few simple other rules e.g. as close to the object as possible, avoid line crossing, and automatically show any newly generated label within the current view extent.

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  8. It would be great to add PMP (probable maximum precipitation) calculator to XPSWMM and XPSTORM

    It would be great to add PMP (probable maximum precipitation) calculator to XPSWMM and XPSTORM

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  9. Transfer roughness values after cross section extension

    When a cross section is extended, the roughness values are not populated automatically when it is probably valid in a significant number of cases to carry forward the existing roughnesses of the cross section end points.

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  10. Infoworks ICM cross section

    Provide a function to easily assess cross sections of the ground model, similar to the XPSWMM function

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  11. Create selection list from level or inflow events

    In some of our older or larger models the number of profiles in level or inflow events have grown to > 100. Through the time quite a number of these have become obsolete because of consecutive model updates (resulting in many log warnings), but it is a very painstaking task to check them all one by one. Therefore it would be a big help if there were a possibility to create a selection list from these events that contains all the profile IDs (and vice versa to create a new event with profiles based on an existing selection list).

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  12. Infoworks ICM - 12d import

    Import 12d tin files, both surface and network model files.

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  13. InfoSWMM from InfoSewer should allow the user to pick a scenario on import. It is a feature of InfoSWMM to convert an InfoSewer MXD and IE

    We only allow the user to import the active scenario in InfoSewer. If a user does not have InfoSewer then he or she must guess which is the active scenario. It would better to have a dialog to allow the user to import their selected and needed scenario.

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  14. Use TSDB data streams in flexible graphs

    Currently, I can graph individual TSDB streams, or once a simulation has run compare a TSDB stream with modelled data at a particular node. But it would be helpful if I could compare TSDB streams with other TSDB streams, or with multiple model locations, or with many other possibilities that I cant immediately think of.

    The flexible custom graph already allows me to do that with modelled data and with data from events (rainfall, observed levels, etc): adding the ability to use TSDB streams would make this already useful function even more powerful.

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  15. Tile only for selected windows

    Choose which Windows are used for Tile Horizontally or Tile Vertically. If a Geoplan and two Long Sections are open, we want to tile only the Long Sections, so a selection for the tiling would be useful.

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  16. Conveyance on cross section lines

    Provide cross section conveyance for each cross section

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  17. Ground model inference rememebered

    When object entries are updated from ground model, it would be good if the previously used settings could be remembered the next time the dialog is triggered.

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  18. RTC - New time range to allow "between 2 dates" every year

    In a similar way to the way "time repeat" works, can we have an RTC range that works between the same 2 dates every year. I have a catchment where the operating protocol works differently in the Bathing Season from the rest of the year. Having a way to check with one range if we are in the bathing season or not would avoid the clunky work arounds.

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  19. Can ICM add particle tracking module?

    When there are pollutants that enter a system from various sources then it would be good to have pollutant tracing functionality which shows the source and the pollutant moving through the system, giving an idea of the rate at which it travels and impacts areas downstream.

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  20. Merge radar and rain gauge data for accurate spatial rainfall assignment

    I would like to use radar rainfall like NEXRAD and spatially correct it to my rain gauge network locally before applying the rainfall in my model.

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