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Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling

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370 results found

  1. Time varying roughness values for rivers

    As vegetation changes throughout the seasons, it would be great if we could also have time varying roughness patterns for river reaches.

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  2. Validation as a background task

    Validation as a background task so UI isn't locked.

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    IN DISCUSSION  ·  pascal.lang responded

    We have spent quite a bit of time investigating how validation improvements might be achieved, whether that be through validation as a background task or whether it be with improvements on the speed of validation in the first place.

    There is no silver bullet which has been identified so far, the validation is already very efficient with minimal potential for speed improvements and there are issues with it as a background task as previously mentioned which we haven’t got fully fledged solutions to yet.

  3. Wide "Oval" shape ID

    conduit shape ID "Oval" only allows Height > With. So for "horizontally" wide oval conduits a new conduit shape has te be defined. It would be practical if the standard "Oval" also allows a with greater than the hight.

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  4. Inverse Distance Weightage in ICM

    We have Thiessen in ICM. It will be great if we have IDW like what we have in RS.

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  5. Background tasks overall progress visible in ICM

    I think waiting for ICM to finish the task without having an idea about when this might be is not productive at all. Tasks like opening a simulation, graph something in the model, running a statistical template should be done accompanied by a loading bar, which will show the overall progress of that task.

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  6. I want the Show Maxima function to apply to Pipe Shear Stress

    Currently, the "Show Maxima" results button doesn't apply to pipe Shear Stress (calculated through QM, Quality Module).

    It seems pipe Shear Stress is the only thing that Shear Stress is the only thing the "Show Maxima" results button doesn't apply to.

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  7. Enable remote simulations with state files without local agent being active

    When running (very) long time series, we often split up simulations in shorter blocks and link them via final/initial states (mainly to prevent total loss of results in case something happens near the end of the simulation, and to make results more manageable). However, when we schedule such a "chain of simulations" to remote server and also have the results stored remotely, the chain is still interrupted as soon as the local agent from where they were launched is stopped (e.g. because the local pc is shutdown). As the whole chain can take days or weeks to run, this is…

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  8. In ICM add AutoCAD layers to usertext1 on import

    When importing from autocad layer mapping can be used to create a model layout for things like 2D Mesh zones but all created objects are null. I have written an SQL to apply parameters to all null mesh zones and roughness zones and import each layer individually. If the autocad layer was written to usertext1 I could import all at once with a saved layer mapping and then enter all parameters by selecting usertext1

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  9. Interpolation of levels

    It happens too often that while merging different models, you suddenly need a different timestep for your level-file. The only way to do this now, is remake your level completely. It would be better to (when changing the timestep of your level) ICM would ask what do : automatically interpolate the new in between time steps, put the in between time steps on zero,...

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    MORE INFO NEEDED  ·  1 comment  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  10. WBNM Hydrology Method in ICM

    Australian flood modelling user have requested access to the WBNM hydrology method inside InfoWorks ICM. WBNM is one of the endorsed methods in Australian Rainfall & Runoff and large numbers of historical studies use this method.

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  11. Bank marker distinctions

    It would be good if cross sections for rivers could be marked with left and right bank markers within the cross sections themselves.

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  12. Collapsing walls identified in the log file

    Can we have the status of base linear structures included in the log file? I have a large model where I have lots of these and I need to interrogate each one in turn. It would be much easier if the log file (or, better still, a grid view) showed the status of each wall.

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  13. Auto populate an incremental ID for objects such as lines/polygons/subcatchments etc.

    Often source data is provided with a non unique ID.

    Nodes auto generate an ID, and conduits will create a node, but the remaining asset classes struggle somewhat and often you need to manipulate the GIS data.

    I would like to be able to have ICM (and WS Pro for that matter) auto populate a unique ID (such as row ID).

    There used to be a blog post written with a Ruby script to do this, but it appears to have been removed from the website. Alternately post the Ruby scripts again somewhere.

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  14. Select objects outside polygon in SQL

    In Infoworks ICM the SQL select has a spatial search option where I can, for example, select all nodes within a 2D zone.
    I am wanting to select all nodes outside the 2D zones, and this I am unable to do as inverting the selection will select all objects. not just nodes.
    I want to do this as I am only trying to run a subcatchment of a larger model and wish to change the node type of the nodes outside the 2D zone so they dont try to connect to the surface. Infoworks seems to prevent a model from…

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    IN DISCUSSION  ·  pascal.lang responded

    Hello, thank you for this. In this particular example could you invert the selection, which I appreciate will select all objects other than the nodes inside the 2D zone and then hold down CTRL while opening the Nodes grid? This should open the nodes grid with only the selected nodes active so that the flood type can be changed if needed.

  15. Automatically add network details when copying a network from commit history

    When a version of a network is copied via the commit history dialog box, the standard commit detail generated is "created from copy". Could this be extended by automatically inserting the original network name and version number ? It would help a lot in retracing the network history.

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  16. Lateral inflows from event data for rivers

    Currently it is possible to add lateral inflows to a river via subcatchments, if we could also do this directly from event data or TSDB that would be great.

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  17. Export of simulation log files from ICMLive

    We'd like the log file to be automatically exported as part of the live modelling workflows. This log file contains important information pertaining to the TSDBs that we would like to use in some additional post-processing. Could this be part of the manifest export process?

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  18. A Mesh Layer export function to facilitate the analysis and visualization of temporal mesh element results in QGIS.

    I would like to see a Mesh Layer export function that would facilitate the analysis and visualization of temporal mesh element results in QGIS.

    Use case example:

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  19. Apply RTC / observed values to Sluice Linear Structures

    At the moment we cannot move sluice linear structures in 2D. We're wanting to model a river entirely in 2D but the river is subject to a series of barrages that would require control. Therefore it would be essential to apply RTC and observed settings to the gates.

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  20. Themes for long sections

    It would be great if results could be displayed in the coordinates panel for a cursor which is hovered over a long section with results.

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