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Storm Sewer & Flood Modeling

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370 results found

  1. Create preset 2D inflow equation

    Similar to inlet capacity, have the ability to create 2D inflow equations relative to inlet size and control depending on weir or orifice curves. This will allow the user to increase or change 2D inflow control easier and more standardized.

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  2. Select Assets with a given User Flag in any Properties Field

    Allow assets to be selected/sorted (SQL or Grid View) based on a flag value in any properties field. This would make some model build and QA tasks much easier.

    For example, data may be needed to properly model a serwerage pumping station but isn't available yet. An engineering judgement may be made with a user flag showing the data has been requested but that an engineering judgement has been made in the interim to allow model build to proceed. The ability to select/sort assets with this user flag in any property field would make user flags much more useful both…

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  3. SuDS Structures ID Table

    Is there a way to generate a table that lists all Suds Structures IDs? I would like to see this so that I can review total area applied, make changes quickly, and also complete QA checks easily.

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  4. Add a modelling confidence field into the User Defined Flags

    This could simply be an additional free text field in the "User Defined Flags" window labelled "confidence" OR the user is able to define their own but they are limited to 5-7 options.

    The benefit is that when users pick up a model they better understand the confidence associated with each flag. Generally the "Description" field is currently seen as a "source" field. The users can then use SQLs / Ruby to build their own model confidence tools as they see fit while allowing greater transparency and functionality.

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  5. Improvement on the Numerical Correction Process in ICM

    The current procedure for ‘Numerical Correction’ in ICM requires users to remove any existing values to calculate the correction (for Preismann and Base flow) before the inbuilt routine is run. If this wasn't made the calculated correction values are added on top of any existing value thereby reducing the total storage in the system. However, the correction for 'Storage Compensation' deletes any existing values before calculating the compensation value. Therefore, there is inconsistency in the approach which has the potential to reduce the total storage at a node. Either, the inbuilt process for 'Numerical Correction' should be revisited or the…

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  6. Support for different table schemas from SQL Server in the TSDB

    We have a SQL Server database containing flow survey and rainfall data. All of the raw data is saved in one table and views are created for each monitor via a stored procedure,

    We use schemas to control permissions on the database tables. Only the database owner can add or delete to the raw table (dbo schema) while any user can read from the views ("user interface" schema).

    Currently, TSDB can see tables in any schema but can only read from those in the default (dbo) schema. Therefore, an error happens when trying to read from a view that has…

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  7. Add SWMM5 Ideal Pump to InfoWorks ICM

    Does InfoWorks ICM have an equivalent to an ideal pump in SWMM which pumps whatever is entering the SPS out of the SPS?

    It would be a good feature to include into infoworks as I needed to play around a bit to get it. I found I had to add line 2 or the pump kept on turning off rather than flow pacing.

    I have seen a screw pump used previously to pump out what comes into the SPS but dependent upon the head discharge parameters this can back up the incoming sewer. If I set a curve similar to…

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  8. AutoCAD Civil 3D TIN Surfaces

    I would like to import Autodesk Civil 3D TIN surfaces (including point clouds) into ICM as elements

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  9. no flag update when updating via CSV

    In ICM, when only updating a value via CSV file (Network -> Import -> Update from CSV files), the data flag should be left untouched instead of being "blanked" or updated with a new value (based on the "Flag to use for new/updated data" in the 'import from CSV data" screen)

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  10. Sort by Validation Error in Grid View

    Allow columns in grid views to be sorted by validation error(s). This would make fixing validation errors much easier.

    For example, when modelled pipes/nodes are updated from the GIS, the Subcatchments sometimes lose their Node ID link as the node names may have changed. Being able to sort these validation issues to the top of the grid would make fixing the errors much easier. This would be particularly useful across multiple scenarios since the selection list created from the validation can't be saved with the "un-shown" objects from a different scenario.

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  11. Allow pollutographs to apply on subcatchments

    At the moment it is not possible to set a pollutograph for subcatchments, and the modeller is obliged first to run the hydrology, export the hydrograph, re-import the hydrograph as inflow, and finally re-run with a pollutograph

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  12. 2 votes

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    MORE INFO NEEDED  ·  2 comments  ·  Other  ·  Admin →
  13. AutoCAD objects on Conversion

    As a user, I would like InfoWorks to recoginze Civil3D objects as objects and not require me to resolve the model to dumb elements

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  14. Export 2D Result to Raster Grid of Depth and Hazard

    Damage Assesment tools (third-party) require depth and hazard raster grid input

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  15. Update Storage array from ground model

    Provide the ability to update a storage array (curve) from ground model without destroying manually entered data

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  16. Checking

    Can we have a feature to monitor who has Network Soft Licences. Earlier we had the Admin Control center to check.

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  17. 2 votes

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  18. Modelling of Septicity

    As a sewer modeller I have occasionally been asked about odour generation in sewer networks. I have noticed that DO (dissolved oxygen) and BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) are both inputs in the wastewater and trade-waste model groups of Infoworks ICM SE. Given that these are possible inputs in a sewer model, is it possible to model the consumption of DO by BOD within the network to determine where and when the sewage becomes anaerobic and prone to odour generation? This would be particularly useful if you wanted to model the addition of a high BOD low volume trade waste stream…

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  19. Loading bars for large 2d TIN results.

    Vissible loading progress for loading large or TIN modelling results.

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  20. colour labels based on flags

    Make it possible to colour the labels based on the flags associated with the displayed field values.

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